What Your Teacher Didn’t Tell You About Native Americans



Im a Native American my cousin is our tribal chief and it was shocking going to public school and listening to teachers tell me I’m oppressed and have it rough. But when they would lie about my tribes history it was annoying. My tribe had alot of bad history in the frontier days. They killed each other they would go after other tribes etc. i don’t want revision history I’m not ashamed of my history i just want the truth.

When in grad school, I had a conversation with a feminist about American Indians. She said, “I think of Native Americans as children.” I replied, “My Iroquois ancestors ate their war captives.” The look on her face was priceless.


  1. The american public school teachers do not want to be honest about a lot of things. First and foremost is they do not want to be honest about any of the facts throughout history.

    Slavery! Evil white males!! right! Nope Blacks were enslaving and selling other blacks 5000 years before a single white person every owned a slave. The first salve owner in the Americans was a black person. Of course the 1619 project does not discuss that!

    Kamala harris’ great great grand daddy was the largest salve owner in Jamaican history. He was 1000% Irish. her family is Irish and India ancestry. She is from a family of slavers. Teachers don’t teach that.

    teachers are happy to tell students trump inherited his fathers fortune. they will not tell the students trumps grandfather came to america completely broke.

    They will not talk about the fact the 99% of cultural, health, safety, communications, and comfort world wide has been done by white European/american males.

    The teachers do not want you to knwo that every single opportunity Donald Trumps family, and all other white families that immigrated in the 1880 -1910, was equally available to every other race in america. There has never been a time when there were not opportunities. homesteading was open to everyone. teachers will not tell you that.

    They will not talk about the fact the 95% of american public school teachers can not do algebra. You can’t teach what you do not know.

    The fact is the Education degrees at all colleges are easy degrees. It is far easier to get an ed degree then a art history degree. People with education masters degrees have the equivalent of a 10th grade educaiton on most subjects.

    The difference between and educaiton degree and any STEM degree is unbelievably large. Comparing a education masters or doctorate to a bs in engineering is like comparing a 3rd grade student to a high school student.

    There is a lot that the american public school teachers do not want you to know.

  2. The Native Americans were the most peaceful people, until the white man tried to remove them and kill them. They took care of the land, wildlife, and everything to survive, and the white man turned their world upside down. Your lucky I wasn’t alive then, because they would still be living free still, because I would of armed them with all the repeating rifles, they ever needed, to fight the government. I am a white man, but was married to a Native American woman for 45 yrs until she passed. She was a healer, like a shaman, and healed all people, and strived for peace for all of us. But people have become evil, and don’t care about their fellow brothers and sisters, that’s what will end the world, hate. I live with plenty of it, but not for the Native Americans, they are also a big part of my existence, they are more my family, than anyone, my son has Native American blood, and I will never abandon them, as long as I draw a breath. Quit the hate, live in peace, like they always wanted to. I can’t bring them out of poverty, but I will not stop supporting them, until I croak. Then, if my plans work out, with the Lords help, I will be able to help them immensely, and will do so. This government makes me sick, for the little they do to help, these people who are the most poverty stricken, starving, no running water, no shelter, cold and hungry. Wake up America, these are American citizens, just like u and me. Help them.


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