Amen, Ray…the serial lies, the traitorous behavior, the horrible attacks on average Americans By Chris Wray and his lapdogs at the FBI are a disgrace…if wray had any self-respect he would resign and then go to prison…
The godless fools of the F B I, Freaking Bast—— Idiots, are nothing but ONE BIG LIE these days! Liars are going to be thrown into “the lake of fire” for eternity. They and the ALWAYS LYING m s m deserve it more than most!
Arrest this arroagant,lying,dispicable,incompetent,lapdog of hidenbiden.Answer the dam questions,u corrupt,dispicable===hole. U are worst than comey,u all belong behind bars,for spying and election interference.
Wray: “Well, I can’t say anything about the White House fire by the British in 1814, as that’s an ongoing operation”.
Now he think’s we have a problem, as all he see’s is red on his board. After Bribem and Obama have let 22,000,000 illegals invade our country?
Chris wray should be in prison right now.
Amen, Ray…the serial lies, the traitorous behavior, the horrible attacks on average Americans By Chris Wray and his lapdogs at the FBI are a disgrace…if wray had any self-respect he would resign and then go to prison…
The godless fools of the F B I, Freaking Bast—— Idiots, are nothing but ONE BIG LIE these days! Liars are going to be thrown into “the lake of fire” for eternity. They and the ALWAYS LYING m s m deserve it more than most!
Chris Wray is a liar and corrupt as they come. We knew Comey was, but the politicians found scum lower than Comey.
Arrest this arroagant,lying,dispicable,incompetent,lapdog of hidenbiden.Answer the dam questions,u corrupt,dispicable===hole. U are worst than comey,u all belong behind bars,for spying and election interference.
Wray: “Well, I can’t say anything about the White House fire by the British in 1814, as that’s an ongoing operation”.
Now he think’s we have a problem, as all he see’s is red on his board. After Bribem and Obama have let 22,000,000 illegals invade our country?
But Americans condone this type of lying activity, after all their prized President Bribden leads the way in lying like a dog.
He’s so slimey! You would never catch him. He’d just slither away.