He’s worried that all the highly classified information that he leaked to George Soros is going to put him in prison. Pencil Neck will make a good ‘butt buddy’ to some big dude as a cellmate. Karma.
I’m getting 88 D0llars consistently to deal with net. Q I’ve never accepted like it tends to be reachable anyway one of my most noteworthy buddy got D0llars 27,000 D0llars in three weeks working this basic task and she impacted me to avail…
I’m getting 88 D0llars consistently to deal with net. Q I’ve never accepted like it tends to be reachable anyway one of my most noteworthy buddy got D0llars 27,000 D0llars in three weeks working this basic task and she impacted me to avail…
How much longer are we going to have to see and hear this nasty godless AMERICA HATING freak. I sincerely hope the accursed liar goes to prison and dies there!!!
‘Shifty’ ‘The Consummate LIAR’ Schiff should have been struck by lightning the second the word “integrity” passed his lying lips! Though the corrupt Biden ‘preemptively’ pardoned this criminal liar, ‘Hope Springs Eternal, As Long As There Is Breath’ that these true criminals will FINALLY get their due!
He’s worried that all the highly classified information that he leaked to George Soros is going to put him in prison. Pencil Neck will make a good ‘butt buddy’ to some big dude as a cellmate. Karma.
I’m getting 88 D0llars consistently to deal with net. Q I’ve never accepted like it tends to be reachable anyway one of my most noteworthy buddy got D0llars 27,000 D0llars in three weeks working this basic task and she impacted me to avail…
Take A Look Here….> Tab On CareerJoin4
I’m getting 88 D0llars consistently to deal with net. Q I’ve never accepted like it tends to be reachable anyway one of my most noteworthy buddy got D0llars 27,000 D0llars in three weeks working this basic task and she impacted me to avail…
Take A Look Here….> Tab On CareerJoin4
Bye bye Adam! Liar. Love to see you in Orange jumpsuit
How much longer are we going to have to see and hear this nasty godless AMERICA HATING freak. I sincerely hope the accursed liar goes to prison and dies there!!!
‘Shifty’ ‘The Consummate LIAR’ Schiff should have been struck by lightning the second the word “integrity” passed his lying lips! Though the corrupt Biden ‘preemptively’ pardoned this criminal liar, ‘Hope Springs Eternal, As Long As There Is Breath’ that these true criminals will FINALLY get their due!