The average person saw the downfall of this agenda from the start. So, joe what took you so long? Joe going all electric in peoples lives will be a disaster. You worry about the grid being attacked or destroyed. If this happens everything will be at a standstill, thanks to your agendas. Anything that needs electric will stop running. Food in stores will go bad, people won’t be able to get to work and that includes people that work for you. You won’t be able to even go to Delaware every weekend because electric communications to AF 1 will not work. Oh my, you will be so upset.
Ohms law on electricity: When a power plant generates electricity, half goes to the ‘load’ half stays with the power plant as heat. Then it is ‘used’ and half is sent to the battery, half is ‘used’ in the converter as heat;
So, now we have half of half being 25 % of the original electricity being transmitted to the battery to charge it. Then the battery in the car ‘uses’ the electricity to power the motor Half us sent to the motor, half is kept
in the battery and is heat. Great! Now we have at best 12.5% of the electricity generated actually doing the work of propelling the car.
Let us go to the modern gas engine. The gas engine now is running at close to 50% efficiency.
Woah! the Electric car is at best about 25% as efficient as a gas car!
FJB Brandon has done yet another total screw up.
Here we go again, Joey trying to decieve the voter into thinking all of the sudden he is leaning towards being a moderate. WRONG, this liar has zero intentions of being moderate. If he gets reelected then look for the big push to EV’s. He has left the auto industry out in the cold with his big push in that direction, and now that America is telling him we don’t want any stinking electric cars he is backing off for votes. Plain and simple. Now if he is backing off of the EV’s then what happened to his executive orders that he blindly through out there to force us in that direction? AOC is going to be pi$$ed at you Joey.
Last year Brandon said he wanted to give financial assistance to LOW-INCOME communities to upgrade their EV charging stations. Was this one of his “gaffes” or just plain stupidity?
Here’s the way to go Joe. Forget going DIRECT from petroleum to electric. It’ll never work. Before we go to electric, we need to modify gas cars with special filters! Focus on How to convert CO2 to powder. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology exposed CO2 to catalysts and then electrolysis that turns the gas into a powder called sodium formate, which can be safely stored for decades. Invest in more research to improve catalytic converters while preparing an infrastructure for EV’s.
The average person saw the downfall of this agenda from the start. So, joe what took you so long? Joe going all electric in peoples lives will be a disaster. You worry about the grid being attacked or destroyed. If this happens everything will be at a standstill, thanks to your agendas. Anything that needs electric will stop running. Food in stores will go bad, people won’t be able to get to work and that includes people that work for you. You won’t be able to even go to Delaware every weekend because electric communications to AF 1 will not work. Oh my, you will be so upset.
What a waste of taxpayers $$$$$
Election year. Fake your changes to be more middle of the road so the stupid leftists will vote for Democrats.
Then after the suckered vote go back to the extremist actions.
How stupid does Biden think we are? He isn’t in charge anyone with half a brain knows a former president is running this circus WAKE UP AMERICA!
Ohms law on electricity: When a power plant generates electricity, half goes to the ‘load’ half stays with the power plant as heat. Then it is ‘used’ and half is sent to the battery, half is ‘used’ in the converter as heat;
So, now we have half of half being 25 % of the original electricity being transmitted to the battery to charge it. Then the battery in the car ‘uses’ the electricity to power the motor Half us sent to the motor, half is kept
in the battery and is heat. Great! Now we have at best 12.5% of the electricity generated actually doing the work of propelling the car.
Let us go to the modern gas engine. The gas engine now is running at close to 50% efficiency.
Woah! the Electric car is at best about 25% as efficient as a gas car!
FJB Brandon has done yet another total screw up.
we used to have busses that ran on a trolly wire system. The system went away in the mid 60’s go back to this
Here we go again, Joey trying to decieve the voter into thinking all of the sudden he is leaning towards being a moderate. WRONG, this liar has zero intentions of being moderate. If he gets reelected then look for the big push to EV’s. He has left the auto industry out in the cold with his big push in that direction, and now that America is telling him we don’t want any stinking electric cars he is backing off for votes. Plain and simple. Now if he is backing off of the EV’s then what happened to his executive orders that he blindly through out there to force us in that direction? AOC is going to be pi$$ed at you Joey.
So what does our auto industry do when China starts DUMPING TONS of CHEAP EVs on the US market?
It dies, if we don’t stop the dump.
Pray Trump will be back in office to STOP THE DUMP.
Last year Brandon said he wanted to give financial assistance to LOW-INCOME communities to upgrade their EV charging stations. Was this one of his “gaffes” or just plain stupidity?
Here’s the way to go Joe. Forget going DIRECT from petroleum to electric. It’ll never work. Before we go to electric, we need to modify gas cars with special filters! Focus on How to convert CO2 to powder. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology exposed CO2 to catalysts and then electrolysis that turns the gas into a powder called sodium formate, which can be safely stored for decades. Invest in more research to improve catalytic converters while preparing an infrastructure for EV’s.
The fake climate crisis has run its course.