Tulsi Gabbard Just Says It Out Loud!!



Democrats aren’t who they say they are but are who they say they aren’t.

She is speaking the truth


  1. I hope Tulsi Gabbard is being honest, she sure sounds like she is and if so I applaud her for being honest also for being extremely brave in her decision to leave the Democratic Party. I think she is a very intelligent, strong woman who will do whatever it takes to help make our country great again. We need more people like her to serve our nation as we are now in a very difficult situation and we don’t know how things will turn in the next few months. Our country has to survive and be able to recover and build our sources for the future.

  2. I don’t hold her being a Democrat previously against her. She comes from Hawaii and the Democrat Party is pervasive there…another largely captive population of victims.

    I do applaud her open stances and associations with things previously opposed. Lots of people are having Epiphanies about their Politics and other important matters. Leo Terrell, a black long time Civil Rights Litigator, who used to go on FOX and spew the worst kind of venal rhetoric about Republicans and Conservatives, had just such an Epiphany a few years ago, and it changed his Life completely. He now appears as a commentator for the Conservative side, and has denounced not only this Administration but even the Obama Administration, for their Democrat Party destructive policies to all communities, but especially the Black Community. He recognizes it as Plantation style Political power and does not fear to say so anywhere. he is a strong supporter of Donald J Trump and frankly, should be used more in the Campaign.

  3. The truth always hurts. But it was said well, the dumbocraps are evil, lying, cheating, stealing, commiies, that hate Americans and America, kick them to the curb, they don’t want to help anybody, but illegals to replace u.


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