Trump: I’ll smile when this happens



Man his last couple of town halls he is just crushing it. How he doesn’t break under the weight of these banana republic indictments is amazing.

I am 22 years old and Donald J. Trump was the greatest President in my lifetime. Will be voting for him again!


  1. Just can´t believe how any thinking person can fall for this well-prepared” interview”. It almost sounds rehearsed. Trump knows how to heat up the masses. Especially when it comes to illegal aliens blaming crimes on them. He should be more worried about our home-grown low life who kills hundreds every day in this country.

    • Alexander, You sounds like your head is up your ass. Do us all a favor and keep it there. President Trump doesn’t “rehearse” any of his answers to serious questions, unlike Biden who screws up even with cue cards and ear microphones being told by Obama what to say.

    • poor poor Alexander.

      Look at you thinking a person who is not in government should be worried about crime while every democrat governor and the democrat federal government were working daily to be softer and softer on criminals.

      California is a disaster due to the democrats soft on crime policies. the border is bleeding terrorist, gang members and drugs due to the democrats choosing to not enforce our immigration law and not protecting our border.

      Yet here you are talking like a moron that somehow it is trumps job to do something about all this democrat caused problems.

      Your lack of honesty and attempt to make the result of DEMOCRATS POLICES trumps problem is beyond stupid.

      If you don’t like the crime: STOP VOTING DEMOCRAT!!!!!!

      Do you comprehend the concept here Alexander? Do you?

    • The border cave in is the worst problem that this country is facing. Trump will get around to our thugs once he is sworn in again as President.

  2. I love TRUMP he is an American hero it puts America first defends CHRISTians religious liberty and cares about American prosperity and he is a proven fighter for the people he got my vote I just wish he could be my elected president forever

  3. I love TRUMP he is an American hero he puts America first defends CHRISTians religious liberty and cares about American prosperity and he is a proven fighter for the people he got my vote I just wish he could be my elected president forever


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