This witness just SEALED the deal for Fani Willis… She’s RUINED.



It is only downhill from here for ALL of those “prosecuting” Trump.

Fani must be disbarred. Trump 2024!


  1. It was clear that she, wade and Bradley lied their arses off under oath. They shoul all be disbarred and sent to jail, we can’t have people like them as lawyers. It stinks up the justice system. Then they should go after James, smith, e Gordon and the rest of th crooked bunch.

    • The truth be known, the judicial system has been operating a double standard system for decades, ever since the Clintons took over the swamp!

  2. I agree with all the above comments and actions. Plus they need to clean house in the FBI and Justice Departments. The democrats want to make our country into a Socialist country.

  3. MAN OF LAWLESSNESS – An expression used by the apostle Paul at 2 Thessalonians 2:2, 3 in warning of the great anti-Christian apostasy that would develop before “the day of Jehovah; i.e., the end of this system of things.” The Greek word for “apostasy” here used, a·po·sta·siʹa, denotes more than a mere falling away, an indifferent sliding back. It means a defection, a revolt, a planned, deliberate rebellion. In ancient papyrus documents a·po·sta·siʹa was used politically of rebels.
    Important; King James Bible Psalms 83:18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. – Also, Jesus, the name, translates as “Jehovah is salvation.”
    A Religious Revolt. This rebellion, however, is not a political one. It is a religious one, a revolt against Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and therefore against the Christian congregation.
    Foretold. Other forecasts of this apostasy were made by the apostles Paul and Peter both verbally and in writing, and the Lord Jesus Christ himself warned of its coming. In his illustration of the wheat and the weeds (Mt 13), Jesus said that the Devil would sow “weeds,” imitation Christians, “sons of the wicked one,” among the “wheat,” the “sons of the kingdom.” These would exist until the conclusion of the system of things, when they would be identified and ‘burned up.’
    There are NOW more than 41,000 different churches/sects that claim to be Christian, all of whom teach the basic dogma of the Roman church, which is based on lies. That ‘church’ calls them her daughters.
    Hell, which does not exist, is a teaching that has driven more people away from Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) than probably any other. — If you would like to receive all of the post on hell, please email me at [email protected] and request the “full Hell does not exist post”. If you have questions, please ask, or email me with your questions; any help I can provide is always free, as is commanded in the Bible. If you would like to know more about the Bible, please ask or email me your question(s). Also, I can direct you to a free Bible study course where you can study the Bible at your convenience; please request the link. If you would like to know more about CO2/vaccines/Ukraine, I have dozens of videos explaining these subjects, esp. why climate change is a lie. You can request such information and I will send what I have to you.


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