This Is Why Blacks FAIL!



I’m a black man in business and I don’t have any problems ‍♂️ it’s your personality and how you come at people. Sometimes the customers want to feel me out, but I dont take that personally. People are crazy these days! Just smile and be yourself. You’ll win some, and lose some no matter who you are. There have been times where people felt uneasy about me, but I don’t focus on that. It’s not even comparable to the people that treat me great and love my company. I think it’s you buddy, quit being weird and singling yourself out because your black. People care more about what you do than what you look like

Keith nailed it. No matter how accomplished you are, if you’re difficult to be around, you’re not going far.


  1. When the American Black Race understands that when they came to America, as Slaves, they lost all their tribal unity, their tribal support group, their customs, their tribal laws, value, social understanding as a tribe; and come to understand this loss of support, they’ll better understand the shortcomings they faced.

    All other Tribes that have come to America, the Swedes, Germans, French, Irish, Italians, Slavic tribes, Chinese, Japanese, Samoans etc., existed within a support group of like ideals and prospered from this brotherhood atmosphere.

    Our black brothers and sisters did not have this ideal of helping each other. And that is why, to this very day, one black person won’t help another black person unless there is something in it for themselves.

    Black tribes such as Nigerians, who have migrated to the USA, far outdistance our native black Americans, who have been here for 200+ years, because their tribal culture supported them in education and business ventures.

    Realize this and start a reformation for the betterment of your race; lend a hand down to help each other up. Find better leadership in the black community. Strive to build off of support for one another. For as long as you all have the attitude of calling one another a N—–, in front of an innocent pure of heart black child, you will hobble that child’s chance at a better future- in believing in themselves. IMHO

  2. Some people just have to bitch. I am from a poor white family. I always had fewer opportunities then the poor black guys around me. Tough luck for me: work harder. I am not mad about it. It is just a fact. when i finally found an employer who actually cared about hard work and dedication i did great. good for me.

    It would not have mattered if I were black, brown, white or pink. Well It might have mattered if I were green or blue; that would be off setting. and their are some blue people. now that has to be hard.

    Black people need to get over their victim game and act like they are as grateful as the rest of us are for the jobs and opportunities given.


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