THIS Is Why Black Women Don’t Like Taylor Swift…



Can we please stop talking about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. I’m sick of hearing about them.

I’m white and I do not like Taylor either.


  1. Taylor is nothing more than a self centered democrat who dose not know any thing about music and dose not know how to sing. She thinks she is great because all the young people flock to her. Just shows how uneducated they are. I spent 30 years in music, played everything in the brass and was a percussionist. I taught 2 minuet man drum and fife corps as well as privet students. I had a contract with Decca Records in 1965 just before going into the Navy. Both of my sons are percussionist and the eldest is also an organist. I had chances to attend The Boston Conservatory and Berkles School of music both paid for. I wrote and sight read music and studied the masters. All something Taylor has never done. Also any female who dresses like a street walker and has aa boys name ain’t to bright.

  2. If you’re so educated, why do you spell “does” as “dose” (and more than once, I might add) as well as several other grade school level words you misspell?

  3. I was non-committal about Taylor Swift until she became political. I think entertainers need to stick to their forte and stay out of politics. Also, I’m personally not a football fan but I think the hype on Kelce and Swift got ridiculously out of hand. People who are football fans have a right to be sick of it because the news was never about the game and the players. The spotlight was always about Swift and Kelce. When Swift endorsed Biden, that’s all I need to know about who Swift is.

    • Agreed….except I haven’t watched any pro-sports since the early 70s since they went whiny. It bored me so much I quit, period. As for Swift I don’t waste my time on whiny Tinkerbells either.

    • I counted 18 cases of the camera exposing Mr. and Mrs. Traitor Swift, all for no apparent reason. She was acting like a pre-pubescent little middle schooler.

    • If a young person’s politics is a reason to hate them, most of us would hate our own children. Spelling as an indicator of intelligence? That’s a good one. A very smart politician couldn’t spell potato and a very dumb one can’t spell Afghanistan. I liked Taylor Swift when she first came on he scene with her sweet little diddie about Romeo and Juilet and continue to think she is a talented entertainer. Note I said entertainer, not musician. I hate her politics but would be shocked if, at her age, traveling in her circles, she would would display the values she will likely develop later in life. Give her a break.

  4. Yeah, BLM and Swift have ruined football for me. Again, I agree with Don and Leslie, keep to your genre and stay the hell out of politics and sports.

  5. I wish that caring people who have personal connections to Taylor Swift could talk to her to help her to understand and see how the so-called democrat party is, in truth, largely the Destroy Judeo-Christian America/One Worlder’s/BRICS nations tyrannical/communist/islamist party. Like it or not, at this time in our nation, Taylor Swift is likely to be a major political influencer for many of her millions of young fans. Perhaps such caring people could point her to websites of wisdom, such as: and for her to better understand the many on-going pernicious, vile, evil attacks on our nation’s Judeo-Christian values, our God-given, inalienable natural rights – among them being Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, our Bill of Rights, our Constitution, our American legal system, law and order, the rights of parents; and the Leftist politicalization of scientific methodology in western nations, as well as the widespread attacks on merit-based achievement and advancement in our society, especially outside of the world of competitive sports, and the world of musical entertainment.

  6. All I hear is the green eyed monster . Leave her success alone . “Do unto others—-“ get your jollies somewhere else , like trying to save our country . She is who she is —a singer who is wildly successful and popular . Get a life, people !!

      • She’s hardly a disgrace. She’s a young person who took whatever gifts she has, worked really, really hard and has achieved tremendoud success in her chosen field of endeavor. I get it. I hate her politics too and I hate that she can influence so many but she’s young. Give her time.

        • She wants attention as long as people are paying for it, shine the light on her at a football game and she wants privacy. Can’t have it both ways.

  7. The examples of two websites or wisdom that somehow did not get included in my above comment are as follows: “” and “”.

  8. Taylor Swift: She is a singer who, because she does that well, seems to think her political opinions are something with special weight as to *their* truthfulness. She stands in a long line of modern celebrities who thought this–starting with Cher and going on and on. She is entitled to her opinions but the fact that she has a good singing voice (and is pretty) does not make them true

  9. Taylor is a self center left wing little bitch, yea all her audiences are young and don’t know any better. Some of your comments are right on, I totally agree celebrities need to stay out of politics, it tends to give people negative feelings about them, believe me there are some actors that open there mouth politically and we haven’t watched any movies they stared in and some are pretty big actors. So yea Taylor is all about herself if the cameras not scaning on her she gets an attitude. Tuff shit little miss prissy you are not all that, and I think Kelly Clarkson has her beat by voice without a doubt.

  10. Ok, Jannyann, remember how Kelly Clarkson kneeled before a drag-queen on her show which was disgraceful. Stop bowing to these delusional twisted people and get out of the cult the democrats have been pushing down our throats.

  11. Earth to all the exotic Black Women: lay aside all that nonsense, and dream of getting your hands and mouth on this tall, beautiful creature ( as I have read that she has much curiosity about YOU ) It’s been rumored that the nimnul AOC has been with the precious Natalie Portman, and put those 34D’s in her mouth to share herself, as she should … This dreamy six-footer is a perfect fit for you, and you should pursue her … think about it and get real, girls — GO FOR HER


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