You look out “acrost”….? Acrost is not a word, HIC. This POS is a bookend to Kamala toes, she can’t shut up with talking salad and this douche can’t speak English. He thinks maybe that it makes him sound “common” ? HE IS common. dirt common, cowardly, Low-T, Pilsbury dough boy, Jazz- hands CLOWN. His state can’t be this bad, can it? Can YOU see this trying to talk to the Prince of Saudi, or the King of England. He’d be cowering, fawning and peeing on the floor like an abused dog. He has no polish, no background, no political skill. He is an ACT. His physical body language would go over well in a preschool or on Sesame Street where kids are like cats watching a laser light on the wall. He is all leaping, pointing, hand gesturing, but BRAINLESS… stupid Lout.
typical yankee trash
Hopefully this pathetic excuse for a politician never makes it to being the president of our country,stop voting blue
You look out “acrost”….? Acrost is not a word, HIC. This POS is a bookend to Kamala toes, she can’t shut up with talking salad and this douche can’t speak English. He thinks maybe that it makes him sound “common” ? HE IS common. dirt common, cowardly, Low-T, Pilsbury dough boy, Jazz- hands CLOWN. His state can’t be this bad, can it? Can YOU see this trying to talk to the Prince of Saudi, or the King of England. He’d be cowering, fawning and peeing on the floor like an abused dog. He has no polish, no background, no political skill. He is an ACT. His physical body language would go over well in a preschool or on Sesame Street where kids are like cats watching a laser light on the wall. He is all leaping, pointing, hand gesturing, but BRAINLESS… stupid Lout.
He needs to grow up. I do not want to change his diapers. I also have a pacifier for him.