The Truth About the Baltimore Bridge Collapse



I smell diversity.
I smell equity.
I smell inclusion.

It’s either Trump, Putin, or Racism fault take your pick


  1. The Trinity — Where did this teaching come from? The trinity is NOT in the Bible!! — The New Testament;
    The New Testament contains no explicit Trinitarian doctrine. However, many Christian theologians, apologists, and philosophers hold that the doctrine can be inferred from what the New Testament does teach about God. But how may it be inferred? Is the inference deductive, or is it an inference to the best explanation? And is it based on what is implicitly taught there, or on what is merely assumed there? Many Christian theologians and apologists seem to hold it is a deductive inference. (So men claim that they can deduce what the Bible means instead of what the Bible actually says. Got it?)
    In contrast, other Christians admit that their preferred doctrine of the Trinity not only (1) can’t be inferred from the Bible alone, but also (2) that there’s inadequate or no evidence for it there, and even (3) that what is taught in the Bible is incompatible with the doctrine. These Christians believe the doctrine solely on the authority of later doctrinal pronouncements of the True Christian Church (typically one of: the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox tradition, or the mainstream of the Christian tradition, broadly understood). Some Catholic apologists have argued that this doctrine shows the necessity of the teaching authority of the Church, this doctrine being constitutive of Christianity but is NOT derivable from the Bible apart from the Church’s guidance in interpreting it. This stance is not popular among Christians who are neither Catholic nor Eastern Orthodox would be the main sticking point, although some groups deny all three. (Please think on this point deeply; there are now more than 41,000 different so-called Christian churches, all of whom use the basic doctrine of the Catholic Church. That number reeks of division, which is listed in the Bible as a work of the flesh, and NOT of the Spirit of God.)
    Trinity; Many Christian apologists argue that the doctrine of the Trinity is “biblical” (i.e. either it is implicitly taught there, or it is the best explanation of what is taught there) using three sorts of arguments. They begin by claiming that the Father of Jesus Christ is the one true God taught in the Old Testament. They then argue that given what the Bible teaches about Christ and the Holy Spirit, they must be “fully divine” as well. Thus, we must, as it were, “move them within” the nature of the one God. Therefore, there are three fully divine persons “in God”. While this may be paradoxical, it is argued that this is what God has revealed to humankind through the Bible. The PROBLEM with this is very simple; the Holy Spirit is NOT a ‘person.’ It is God’s active force which He uses to accomplish His Will. Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God’s active force was moving about over the surface of the waters. AND; (Psalm 33:6) By the word of Jehovah the heavens were made, And by the spirit of his mouth everything in them. (Isaiah 40:26) “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, Not one of them is missing. NOTE; “The One…”
    It is not hard to understand, once you actually look into this so-called doctrine, that this is a Satanic teaching that runs counter to the Word of God, the Bible. In other words, it is a doctrine that comes from the father of the lie. If you have questions/doubts about that, please email me for further updates; [email protected]. I can also direct you to a free Bible study course that you can use at your convenience.

    • I do feel sorry for you and your disbelieve in the Bible, but you do have the right to believe whatever you want, as do I and everyone else.
      So who do you think you are to Criticize anybody for anything.
      My God gave everybody free will to do as they please.
      God gave everybody free will to believe whatever they chose to believe. God did not say they had to believe in him, or to follow his commandments.

      God did say in Romans 3:23,
      “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

      John 3:16 says,
      For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

      May God bless you.

  2. While I understand that the orthodox Jewish faith does not recognize Jesus as the savior, the messianic movement does. The orthodox follows the teachings in the Torah, which was long before Jesus was born, but—- Jesus was a high priest whether anyone wants to admit it. That is what the judeo- Christian religion stemmed from. The followers of Jesus Christ, so they were called Christian’s.


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