Sloppy Joe even had the ovaries to admit it!!!
“Spartanburg, South Carolina”Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that when picking a running mate, he would prefer someone who was “of color and/or a different gender.—CNN”
I got this e-mail right after reading, on MSN, about how LA’s Leftist Lesbian Mayor had just fired LA’s Leftist Lesbian Fire Chief because the Fire Chief had blamed the Mayor for cutting the Fire Dept’s budget and undermining their manning and…, and…, and…, etc. Even as she’s admitting that her firefighters aren’t up to doing the necessary jobs (small wonder when your own, much ballyhooed “first priority” is diversity hiring), the Fire Chief is trying to shovel all the blame for that onto the Mayor. Well, given that the Mayor appointed her (precisely because she’s a Leftist Lesbian whose chief priority is ensuring “diversity” rather than competence in the Department), the Fire Chief isn’t wrong, but she seems rather singularly blind to her own role in failing the City and its people. Why are they short of equipment? Well, it seems it’s hard to get qualified mechanics who can keep your trucks running when your priority is to hire people on the basis of their race and religion and gender and sexual orientation instead of on the basis of their competence with a wrench. Hard to get knowledgeable firefighters when you won’t hire qualified, experienced men because it’s more important to put women and trannies on the job. So LA burns as its ultra-woke leadership spats over who’s at fault – and the answer to that one is that it’s the people of LA, who voted these morons into office, who are at fault, for which reason I’m really not happy about Joe Biden’s promising to bail the City out when these fires finally burn out. Those are my tax dollars and I haven’t voted for a Democrat in decades. Let the Hollywood elites who pushed for and supported these incompetent ideologues pay for the consequences of their stupidity. I’ll pay for my own errors, but not for LA’s.
D.E.I. stand for “didn’t earn it.” That goes double for Kamala Harris who was appointed–not elected–as her party’s presidential nominee.
Sloppy Joe even had the ovaries to admit it!!!
“Spartanburg, South Carolina”Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that when picking a running mate, he would prefer someone who was “of color and/or a different gender.—CNN”
I got this e-mail right after reading, on MSN, about how LA’s Leftist Lesbian Mayor had just fired LA’s Leftist Lesbian Fire Chief because the Fire Chief had blamed the Mayor for cutting the Fire Dept’s budget and undermining their manning and…, and…, and…, etc. Even as she’s admitting that her firefighters aren’t up to doing the necessary jobs (small wonder when your own, much ballyhooed “first priority” is diversity hiring), the Fire Chief is trying to shovel all the blame for that onto the Mayor. Well, given that the Mayor appointed her (precisely because she’s a Leftist Lesbian whose chief priority is ensuring “diversity” rather than competence in the Department), the Fire Chief isn’t wrong, but she seems rather singularly blind to her own role in failing the City and its people. Why are they short of equipment? Well, it seems it’s hard to get qualified mechanics who can keep your trucks running when your priority is to hire people on the basis of their race and religion and gender and sexual orientation instead of on the basis of their competence with a wrench. Hard to get knowledgeable firefighters when you won’t hire qualified, experienced men because it’s more important to put women and trannies on the job. So LA burns as its ultra-woke leadership spats over who’s at fault – and the answer to that one is that it’s the people of LA, who voted these morons into office, who are at fault, for which reason I’m really not happy about Joe Biden’s promising to bail the City out when these fires finally burn out. Those are my tax dollars and I haven’t voted for a Democrat in decades. Let the Hollywood elites who pushed for and supported these incompetent ideologues pay for the consequences of their stupidity. I’ll pay for my own errors, but not for LA’s.