Maxi should go to prison. Never to be released. Yet the moron voters keep re electing the witch. How dumb are the people in her district? They put her in charge for years and nothing has improved, except Maxi’s family bank accounts.
I guess that means Kacklea is a fraud. Black people had a role model in Bill Cosby. Be careful who you look up to.
These corrupt dummycrats are falling faster than leaves in an Autumn windstorm.
The DIMs are knee grows, savages & hypocrites
Maxi should go to prison. Never to be released. Yet the moron voters keep re electing the witch. How dumb are the people in her district? They put her in charge for years and nothing has improved, except Maxi’s family bank accounts.
I guess that means Kacklea is a fraud. Black people had a role model in Bill Cosby. Be careful who you look up to.
These corrupt dummycrats are falling faster than leaves in an Autumn windstorm.