She couldn’t believe what she was reading….!!



Losing 13 MILLION Democrat Votes compared to Biden makes me truly question the 2020 election even more…

Watching Obama fail to race hustle was absolutely one of the greatest things ever.


  1. Obama claims his “blackness” HA!!!!!!His daddy took off back to Kenya when he was a child ( since the creep already had a wife and family in Kenya) and left his baby-mama high and dry, so Barry was RASIED IN A WHITE CULTURE by mommy and her WHITE PARENTS with NO legitimate father. He is a bastard, born outside a legal marriage….. Who the hell is he to lecture REAL black men raised in black cultures??????????? What the hell does he think he knows about being black, except that he is NOT black enough, even though he adopts an accent, tries to dress black and insinuates he smokes weed? He is more white than many whites…..

  2. Obummer is like a chameleon – he changes colors to suit the crowd. But he does call out the race card more often. He did that a lot when he was campaigning for himself. He’s till doing it now and many blacks are very tired of it. His days of glory are gone and he’s no longer significant. Good riddance, now go back to the hole you slithered out of.

  3. she/it is NOT black. she/it is NOT middle class. she/it comes from RICH families dealing in oil and sugar cane, harvested by slaves. she/it is just as much a fraud as Hitlery Rotten Clinton, & Abraham Lincoln. Hitlery admitted that she & Lincoln told different crowds of sheeople different things, just like the “slept my way to the top” Camela. when they have to say “I’m telling you the truth”, “this is not joke”, believe it, THEY are lying. Amerika still has a yankee problem, BUT it ain’t as bad as it use to be…

    • “she/it is NOT black.” That the talking network heads FAIL to point out that FACT is most confounding! They need to bring Candace Owens on their programs to show the proof she found by investigating the ‘Hyena’s’ heritage. That proof being, SHE AIN’T BLACK. She can “identify” as anything she wants in the America of today; however, ‘identifying’ as a “Woman of Color” doesn’t make you a black woman. She comes by way of India and is an Indian (not Native American Indian)! People that voted for this empty pant suit simply because they ‘think’ she’s black, are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

  4. every Amerika city has a Gaza strip, money goes in, only HATE comes out. You know where they are. You would NOT allow your wife or child drive through there (unless you are an idiot). Amerika is more than half full of idiots (and many cowards too)

  5. An illegitimate individual was put in our Oval Office. We “again” just dodged a bullet! Had she gotten those votes, she would be working for Obama, signing his directives. Just like Bribem did. All of them should be charged and put into court for the crimes they have done to this country. It will take $Trillions to get these illegals and murderers out of here. President Trump is all for the death penalty when illegals murder our citizens. Don’t give them any right to appeal. They are here illegally.


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