Riley Gaines TORCHES Woke Fox Host, DEFENDS Caitlin Clark Over Brittney Griner



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Who else is sick of the Antiwhite discrimination?


  1. Greneir is a biological MALE. Have you ever heard him talk? Seen him without a shirt on? That my friend is a dude!!!!!! Do you shower with the other girls? Of course not or they were paid to turn a blind eye.

  2. The news journalist wearing green, you are very ignorant. I am not a basketball fan but I root for women’s sports. I do not care what race Catlin Clark is but her skill has caused me to watch more basketball since she started playing. I would do the same thing no matter the race of the player. I am not sure why you consider Brittney Greneir not at fault for her arrest in another country. She violated that country’s law, she pled guilty and she did not get the sentence she hoped for in that country. What part of that event was NOT HER FAULT? We all make mistakes in our lives and she made this mistake. She is incredibly lucky to be back in the United States, which she hates so much. Shame on you for your ignorance.

  3. The HE/SHE was carrying weed. It is Illegal in the country in which she was a guest!!! She shamed our country, her/himself. And where was SHE wronged? She is an idiot. You don’t go to a country like Pakistan, or Iraq in your queer, rainbow clothes. They will throw you off a roof. You MUST know the laws of other countries. You don’t carry weed, bullets, weapons, whatever where there are laws AGAINST all of that. Stop being the UGLY AMERICAN… You shame us all.

  4. you can take the savage out of the rain forest (jungle), but you can’t take the rain forest (jungle) out of the savage. Amerika has wasted $23 trillion on the unGREATful SOCIETY since 1964, not one poster child was made equal yet. have even gotten worse (lazy)

    • exactly.

      I have to wonder how blacks are failing so miserably when they get free admission into school on grants, the professors automatically pass them. the companies automatically hire them are huge pay checks and they do not have to preform at work.

      With everything handed to them how are they still failures 60 years later? we are fast approaching a time when no american black person has ever been even mildly discriminated against yet the majority are still failures. how is that true?

      Racism is fast becoming the same lie as gays being beaten in the streets. It just does not happen.

      We even have black senators who think if you put too many people on an island it will flip over.

      We have black senators who pull fire alarms in front of a camera and then say: “it wasn’t me.”

  5. Brittany, the man the mith. People just ignore what is going on and when the roids settles down everything will be back to normal.

  6. aaaaawww so sad too bad. the fox host wanted to make is racists and she got handed her ass. look; racism only exists against white people. blacks are a privileged clase.

  7. ‘Black racism’ is acceptable. You know, after them White Southerners brought all those slaves over from Africa…after being sold by other black Africans. At some point in human history, every race, ethnic group, religious group and nationality have been subjected to slavery by another group. It’s even in the Bible, the Quran, The Vedas, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and was practiced probably from pre-history.

  8. Any person playing on any of the American Olympic teams, who does not stand and honor our flag and anthem, should be given a ticket home and never allowed to be on a US team again. They are to be representing this country. If they can not do that, then they have no right to participate in our name. There are others, who love and respect this country, that will give any event their best.


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