Proof Black Voters Are The Dumbest Voting Block in the Country



The fact that they voted for Biden 90-10 is proof enough for me.

I’m worried about this election. Too many ppl that will blindly vote democrat no matter what. Even if you don’t agree with Trump you can’t seriously think Biden is doing anything good for the people of this country.


  1. Black voters voting democrat are stupid, as are white and other races. But what is worse is these people are voting for blacks in power and that is an even bigger problem. They abuse power and they do whatever they want, even breaking the law.

  2. anyone voting for Biden are stupid. He leaves the border open for everyone without checking for sickness or criminals . Gives everything away for sneaking into the country and leaves our own homeless on the streets and promotes drug use. just look in the mirror and see a fool.


  3. Black voters will continue to vote Democrat in all major cities due to the many positions held by other well positioned blacks. But, things appear to be changing with Bidens open boarder issue that will affect the voting public, not only with blacks but all races. Conservatives need to continually exploit this disaster and must also get out the early vote in 2024.

  4. Unfortunately, the blacks keep electing blacks, who have NO IDEA how to run a government city, county, or country. Intelligent blacks have gone to college, been involved in business, and can get by without all the government handouts. The free stuff keeps the blacks voting democratic but they should wake up and be told, they too, can aspire to greater things under conservative leadership. Look, for example, to Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Washington D.C., and others. TRUMP 2024…MAGA

  5. And this article is proof that the Republican party is, for the most part, nothing but a group of racist pigs – as are the people who comment favorably on it. So far it appears that would be you. How’s that shoe fitting? Suck up to your wannabe dictator all you like, but he is going to get crushed even worse than 2020 come November 5th.

    • So let me guess, you are fine with having all your rights removed, guns taken, them controlling your money and wide open borders so they can continue killing innocent Americans? If that’s the case you should leave our country as you are no better and will make all Americans suffer, WOW, so UNAMERICAN it stinks!

  6. I don’t believe that 90% of Black voters voted for Biden. This assertion is just conditioning Americans for what will go wrong in the 2024 election. Making such an assertion will justify any votes for Biden over 50,000,000 votes in the 2024 election. A win will be blamed on Blacks. If their votes are being redirected, they cannot control that. Blacks support Donald Trump and 90% of them did not vote for Biden. Trump promised to represent Black’s interest if elected. Biden told Blacks to come back after the election. After the election, Blacks were robbed blind with the rest of the country. Blame the guilt-ridden Whites for supporting “LINO’s”, “Liberals” in name only. In each of the 435 voting districts in the country, Americans need to examine the voting records of their representatives and replace those who records are in opposition to their hope for this country. Trillion-dollar Wars? Education? Cancelling the Dollar? Gun ownership? Open borders? Using illegal aliens to line the pockets of owners of hotels, rental units, etc., at $4000/month per unit with taxpayer money/debt in the name of humanitarian programs. Blacks are aware of who controls this country and how they funnel money into their own bank accounts. Blacks are not going to support these schemes. If the truth is spread the country will be better off. Before long, you can go to jail for speaking the truth.


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