Port Workers Union Head Gives a Chilling Warning That You Can’t Ignore



The moral to this story is that America needs to start producing the goods she needs right here on American soil. We used to produce our own goods, back when we were a beacon for others to follow. It is time we start learning to be self-sufficient once again.

All the more reason that we should manufacture our own stuff and to hell with guys like that.


    • socialist Amerika now (1964) pays the unGREATful SOCIETY to NOT work. That too is called slavery. The inferior haven’t a clue…. they will die soon, ALL part of the “plan”

  1. America doesn’t need to be held for ransom. I’ve said forever we need to produce our own products. This guy’s an “enemy of the state”. Every American need’s a pay raise. But not a 50%!

    • only the WORKING Amerikans should get a tax cut, when the welfare state, Dept, of Education and Gestapo are defunded. I HAVE A DREAM

  2. The amount of self importance and toxic narcissism continues to explode. Who needs a society built on egotism and greed. On the other hand, keep Wall Street out of the markets where they are destroying affordable housing. Just because Wall Street is so dirty, they need to be restricted to their own gambling turf and cease destroying the rest of America.

  3. Malls will shut down, Car Dealerships will not sell cars, Grocery Stores will not have food on the shelves ??? Does this Fool think that Everyone but the Longshoremen will be affected? Do Not the Longshoremen also use the Malls, the Car Dealerships, the Grocery Stores? If Goods are not unloaded because some Union Bosses want to Flex, their Members will be just as devastated as all Americans. Pay Raises, Benefit Increases? These Rank and File members signed up for what they are getting and now once on the Job they wish to hold Everyone in the States Hostage to demand More $$$. There will be plenty of Men and Women that will be able to replace the Union Workers to get the Goods unloaded and distributed if Push comes to Shove. Sorry, but Union Workers are NO Better than any other Worker in this Great Country. In Fact if they are willing to make others suffer for a Rate Increase, will they also be willing to Guarantee that THEY will work an extra percentage more to warrant that increase or will they smirk and work slower to show ” See What We Can Do ? ” Shame On You All, Shame for Not being a true American Worker….

  4. The head of the union is a punk ass hole bitch. Bring the Army Corp of Engineers in and fire all the port workers and hire replacements, that will send a message.

  5. Mr. Daggett’s arrogance and lack of respect for others were on full display during his speech. A typical Democrat who lives the lifestyle of the rich off the backs of those who work while complaining about everyone needing to support him and his policies or they will all be unemployed because he won’t let those, he represents do their jobs. Every working individual in this country could use a pay increase while you’re bragging about putting all these people out of work if they don’t support you. Has it ever occurred to you that if these individuals weren’t doing what they did you wouldn’t have a job because those products you unload, wouldn’t be needed? You’re not producing anything but the service of unloading products, and everyone has suffered from the faults of the democrats who have let our country be invaded and rising inflation who don’t make what you are currently making. You can continue your negotiations, but you aren’t any better than anyone else who is suffering due to the high inflation, and greedy people like you only make it worse for everyone else. You seem very proud of the fact that you think making their lives worse is something you are entitled to. You and your union members have only proven to the rest of the country that you are a bunch of a-holes who believe you are better than others. Your statements that you worked 24-7 through the pandemic was something special is arrogant, a lot of individuals worked through the pandemic, and while appreciated, you overlook the fact that you were still receiving a paycheck which many people didn’t because they weren’t allowed to work and suffered financially because of it. This is the problem with this country and until we learn to care about each other rather than destroy one another we are failing. The people suffering from the hurricane are relying on strangers and their neighbors to pull together to help them and have lost everything, but you seem so proud that you have the power to deny them products they might need. There’s a special place in hell for people like you. Maybe we should use all the illegals in this country to replace your union members because they won’t have a problem crossing your picket lines, and if your members don’t work and do their jobs during this period, they should lose their jobs. Why should you be exempt from progress and automation? Every industry deals with advancements, and we always have, if not we’d still be using a horse-and-buggy. Automation is used when employees think they are worth more than the market can bear and when wages go up costs go up. When costs rise too high businesses fail because people can’t afford their products, so they look for ways to cut costs. You complain about the greed of the companies you work for, but you show no concern for those who aren’t as fortunate as you and don’t consider how the rising prices affect them. We need to become a stronger nation by caring for our fellow citizens. This happened after 9/11, or other natural disasters like the hurricane that just hit, and we should live with that type of compassion every day. We also need to remember that people who take the risk to start a business, whether large or small, are the reason we have jobs and can afford the things we have.

    • Amerika could cut our fed budget by 80% and never notice it. WE need to STOP paying for a corrupt gov’t. to do things for the lazy/stupid. IT is called natural selection

  6. Supposedly, this “BUM” is paid about $900,000 per yr and looks like he’s after MORE! MY GOD – HE”S HOLDING THIS COUNTRY HOSTAGE! Trump would never stand for this. The damage inflicted on our country and its’ people by this idiot as well as the inept Biden/Harris Administration is mind boggling and should be considered an “act of terrorism”. AMERICA – WAKE UP!!!


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