PLAY THE VIDEO’ Wray HIDES LIKE RAT After Matt Gaetz Revealed SH0CKING ‘FBI Spy’ Recording



Our biggest issues are not Ukraine, not Israel, not Joe Biden, not the last election, not Pelosi.

It is disgusting to hear what they did to this man and his family.


  1. What happened to basic values in these people. Swamp is a kind name for these scum. Still see Soros pushing his money into things that hurt people. Just pushed big money to help Hamas. Does that sound like someone that should have any say in elections. This guy needs to be locked up for all the crimes and human tragedy he has caused. Derek Chauvin should be released yesterday. Facts have shown, he did not cause Floyd’s death. Sorry Walters, Al Sharpton, and other evil liars. Racist comments and reparations are not right. Get a job. Work hard. Save your money. Quit the blame game. Don’t be a Biden. Takes no irresponsibility for his own disastrous policies and language. Trump has nothing to do with signing stupid policies. Biden had the pen. He and the other Communist Americans are the ones that need to be weeded out and held accountable. Kicked out of the country with the other hate groups. Do not like it here. Leave. Includes the thugs that loot and steal. Move. Good people that actually care, work hard, and help people don’t want your sorry asses in our neighborhoods. Sick of people that think they are owed a living. If you aren’t helping people, working to better yourself, get out of our country. Democrats and Republicans, and any other bureaucrats, politicians, donors that support this garbage need a mental evaluation or some medicine. Something stronger than mama’s cough syrup. Take your Socialist, Marxist, Communist views to China. Go. That includes the teachers and school boards that are trying to indoctrinate kids. Math, reading, writing, wood shop, welding, automotive, and cooking classes need to replace the garbage being taught. Put God in there. He is the only one that can save your soul. WEF, WHO, CDC. Do not trust them. They lied about Covid, and forced mandates. All in the name of Science. That Science is wrong. How about common sense. I have some extra if you want it. Even if you do not. Take it. Give some to the globalists and climate agendists.

  2. WE need a 70% cut in all parts of the federal governemnt. the first day trump takes office he shoudl cancel all biden ED’s and cut every departments budget 70%. He should then declare all regulations cancelled unless the department that created and enforces them can prove 100% that the regulations solve a problem.

    Following that he should put every single laid off/fired federal employee on a no guns no fly list.

    that would be a great first weeks work.

    Second week he can work to pass a law making it a felony for a governemtn paid person to lie to a us citizen. He should them outlaw unions for all government paid people. then make it a law that only experience, proven capability, and training can be used as hiring criteria. then cut all funding for single parent welfare: end the welfare mother lifestyle. then hire hundreds of thousands of border agents to hunt down and remove all illegals from america and pass a law making it legal to shoot illegals crossing the border.

    that would be a good months worth of work.

    Second month pass a tax reduction starting a year out, create a 75% government paid solar cell / windmill incentive for individual home owners, cancel all digital dollar programs, and force 90% of black military projects to be made non-black.

    • So great to hear others who feel the same way!! Biden has enjoyed destroying America and taking away all our Constitutional rights and freedoms while pushing his sinking economy deeper in debt! He made EV decisions without even researching them first. Media news reported today that all the money he set aside for chargers are sitting gathering dust in a drawer as not one charger has been built! Now he has all the car manufacturers hurting as EVs arent selling well and loosing billions of dollars which may soon cause employees to lose jobs now rather than later when EVs ultimately became popular, but will become almost extent unless the serious problems get fixed.


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