Peter Doocy: This trend keeps getting worse



I’m glad to see that the American people are waking up and realize that we need a change if we are going to survive in our country

2024 election day: Trump will have 85M by 10pm Brandon will “find” 110M by 3 am the next day and it will be called the “cleanest and fairest election ever”.


    • The only difference between Muslim and CATHOLIC “C” is the continent they destroy………. R and D are meaningless. ……. It is CATHOLIC “C” traitors v American patriots……. Catholics do not integrate. Catholics invade, then dominate, then eliminate. Be “C” or be dead. Call it like it is. they are ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC “C” INVADERS. Know who the enemy really is. A third of all politicians are “C” traitors. Half call themselves r, half d. CATHOLICS that call themselves ‘r’ do not like Roe v Wade. CATHOLICS that call themselves d’ do not like guns…….. CATHOLICS are NOT Americans, they are CATHOLICS…….Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor and failure forever.

      • you are a silly man. you must be a active kkk member. the kkk sounds just exactly like you. are you also an active democrat? the kkk and democrats go hand in hand.

        Are you chasing down any jews today?

        Did you know the actual beliefs of the Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians, protestant, and even Episcopalians are pretty much the same? they all have a church hierarchy too. further more Catholics only make up 20% of Americans. while non-religion people make up 23% of america.

        So, like all stupid closed minded democrat KKK members you are being ridiculous and stupid.

  1. R and D mean nothing. CATHOLICS that call themselves ‘r’ do not like Roe v Wade. CATHOLICS that call themselves d’ do not like guns…….. CATHOLICS are NOT Americans, they are CATHOLICS. NO CATHOLIC likes the Constitution of the USA! Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor and perpetual failure. ……Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor and failure forever. ….. They are ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC INVADERS, and are being ‘invited’ by the CATHOLIC TRAITORS within.

    • you are a silly man. you must be a active kkk member. the kkk sounds just exactly like you. are you also an active democrat? the kkk and democrats go hand in hand. being a democrats and a kkk members means you are likely a protestant as well. Protestants are the only semi christian religion that is divided into black and non-black churches and well as kkk (mainline) and evangelical churches. Even the Mormons are not that divided.

      Are you chasing down any jews today?

      Did you know the actual beliefs of the Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians, protestant, and even Episcopalians are pretty much the same? they all have a church hierarchy too. further more Catholics only make up 20% of Americans. while non-religion people make up 23% of america.

      So, like all stupid closed minded democrat KKK members you are being ridiculous and stupid.

  2. Armies when in winning mode WIN. They attack attack attack. Saigon was exactly the practice for Afghanistan. Catholics have a perfect record of a thousand years of 99.44% FAILURE. They have destroyed an entire continent! Look south of the USA for proof. Catholics have controlled the USA since 1956. Since then the USA has ‘won’ exactly zero in the way of anything from any peepsqueek failed province. The USA LOST Korea, LOST Viet Nam, LOST Somalia! Lost Afghanistan! It cannot get any worse! OOPS, yes it can! Now the USA is under attack by the ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC INVADERS from the south! Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you fate is sealed. Be CATHOLIC or be dead. Look south for proof!

    • you are a silly man. you must be a active kkk member. the kkk sounds just exactly like you. are you also an active democrat? the kkk and democrats go hand in hand. being a democrats and a kkk members means you are likely a protestant as well. Protestants are the only semi christian religion that is divided into black and non-black churches and well as kkk (mainline) and evangelical churches. Even the Mormons are not that divided.

      Are you chasing down any jews today?

      Did you know the actual beliefs of the Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians, protestant, and even Episcopalians are pretty much the same? they all have a church hierarchy too. further more Catholics only make up 20% of Americans. while non-religion people make up 23% of america.

      So, like all stupid closed minded democrat KKK members you are being ridiculous and stupid.

  3. ALF, while you’re spewing nonsense and hatred, you’re WRONG. Why? Because I love my country, many of my family have given their lives, limbs, even carried two bullets in their back for life from WWII Christmas Day. I love the 2nd amendment and have a healthy respect for it. The Constitution? Again, my family has given their lives so our country will prevail. Even protecting the rights of nut jobs like you although in your case, it’s making sure that mental hospitals are there for you. As far as abortion is concerned, it’s not right to take a life, especially an innocent life. How about girls start keeping their legs closed and have some self respect for themselves. Our motto-Throw a rock at our house, we burn yours down. ALF, I need to thank you, I’m buying stock in one of the companies that makes Xanax. As long as you are alive, I’m making good money. Regards and Blessings, A Catholic Patriot

  4. What is all this Catholic talk? Creepy Joe isn’t a catholic, he is a criminal and a pedophile! He doesn’t give two poops for this nation, he is a globalist and has been told by his funders, that he is above the laws and will be included in the world dictatorial tyrannical government that is forming as you talk back and forth about Catholics!

    • alf is just trying to deflect from biden being a generalized democrat ideals issue to biden being a catholic issue. alf is trying to spin but it is a miserable failure like all democrat things are.

      The Fact is biden has proven that all the ideas of the democrats are rooted in BS and will always fail. they failed for carter, clinton, obama and they failed for biden. the reason the fail is because democrats are trying to “fix” problems that have been over corrected for for the last 70 years.

      Democrats do that so that the mud racking and confusion give them cover for their corruption.

  5. Tracy, Ron, Temperance and rottenrollinrr, you all are great Americans, my head started to spin with all the tantrums of the others. I am a proud, patriotic American, I am a Methodist, but I still believe in God, guns, family, friends and defending my country will all I got. Biden is not the president; Obama is in his third term. Maybe Tracy you could throw a little holy water on him for us. Merry Christmas, y’all!

    • Colleen you make some very valid points. However let me correct you on one of your points. You should not have said it is Obama’s 3rd Term. Why let me throw this out. Obama never had the creds to be #1 He was groomed by the DNC and his 2 Terms were those of the Clintons giving him a lot of on The Job Training. Why else would he pick Hillary as his Sec of State. Lets look at Obama the Community Organizer just like Saul Alinsky. A Typical Chicago Politician and the Jr. Senator for 6 Months. So please Colleen tell me again how he is in his 3rd term!

      • Rick, I stand corrected. I never approved of him in any way shape or form, we all know the crap he pulled, and Joe is just finishing the crap storm Obama and the democrats created. Obama was and always will be false GOD to the democrats and a fool, a Muslim, and an American hating a**hole. And that goes for the bull moose he’s married to.

        • Colleen thank you for your reply. So when it comes to loving our Country it gave me every opportunity to become me. With that said remember what Obama’s so called Bride said on Day One ” I didn’t think much of this Country until my husband came to Power.” Her Claim to fame after 8 years was that she got every kid to Hate Lunch. By the way Has anybody ever seen the Obama’s kids Birth Certificates? Just asking

          • Rick, I remember all too clear what that skank said, have you seen “his” daughters, they dress and act like hookers. sorry to the hookers I meant no disrespect. We have all been made aware of the stink that has come from the White House and congress for many years. We need to bring morality back and it needs to be enforced.

  6. That is a lie thier are faiths that are not in that bunch and we are hated for it we do not come from the Catholic or protestant we can trace are faith to the apostle Paul history lied about this big time if any one would read the Bible the king James Bible that is the only word of God all other books are just lies but rhinos Republicans and Democrats they are the enemy and the Catholic Church is also America’s enemy they have their own country and not patriot America friends that the truth and my faith were called anti Baptist because the Catholic Church hated us and still do study true history before u make such conclusion


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