Pelosi Confronted TO HER FACE Over Insider Trading | Nancy PANICS In RAGE



Throw her in prison and give her money to the American people



  1. well if anyone ever deserved prison of insider trading and defrauding others it is pelosi. However all the democrats are in out that game.

    The corruption runs very deep in that party.

  2. Seriously folks, when our government is as corrupt as ours is! The criminals running the criminal enterprise are not going to be prosecuted or held accountable… and they have millions of weak-minded citizens who will swallow what they are told, to keep the criminals in power!

    • Ron you are so right. If this was you or me we would be behind bars, and they key to freedom would be long gone. How do the democrats get away with so out in your face crimes and nothing ever gets done about it. I don’t get it, they have flaunted their crime the last 12 years, the lies, the misuse of the media all for gain. Hillary has gotten away with murder how many times? Nancy, I believe has had 2 previous warnings and cease and desist order from Congress, yet she keeps thumbing her nose at them. The laundering of money from the Ukraine to help with democrat campaign funds is widely known amongst the crooks. Theft, infidelity down right just plain lying to the we the people, when does it end? Hopefully this fall we they send Kamala the liar no policy communist politician back to California

  3. We need to take back the White House, the Senate and the House and get rid of the RINOs. Speaking of RINOs, Mitch McConnell has done insider trading also.

    • Mitch the lost in space Rino from Kentucky is so bad, He doesn’t need the job as his wife is a shipping magnet with her father’s ties to China. Billionaires right in from of you dealing and rich from China what does that tell you?

  4. What makes Nancy P different? I would imagine that the difference is the entire Congress has been doing Insider Trading for a long, long time. Nobody care any more in Congress because they are all doing what is Illegal. She was warned several times and she just keeps on doing it and she is so rich and wealthy that only Trump has more money than she does and he will put her in Jail. Why do you think she hates him so much. He made her stay in Washington DC and vote one time and she can’t stand him. She should have been before a Judge. She is the Cousin of California’s Governor. Do you think that he is going to do anything about her. WE would be happy if she stopped, but she isn’t going to, She hates Trump because she says there is nothing in the Constitution that says she can’t be an insider trader. I think she made a Bill up in Congress and had it passed to show that she runs the Democrats in there. She flys to and from Washington DC every week end. The People keep voting her back in all the time. She will probably pass on and nobody will notice her.


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