Pam Bondi DESTROYS Jasmine Crockett After HORRIFIC Threats To Elon Musk!



Yes, Jasmine should be held accountable !

If she was worried, why would she threatened Ted Cruz today. No remorse.


  1. Just another hateful,immature person who is uninformed. I can’t believe Crockett is actually an elected public official.

  2. What strikes me the hardest about Jazz Crocket is that she is completely unable to speak any language but Ghetto-speak. I listen to her cadence, her misuse of slang, her base way of getting a point across and can’t help but wonder how the rest of the Globe, who actually speak English better than most Americans, would perceive her low-style, “hood” twist on what should be a dignified, respectful position. I can’t see her in any elevated political position, speaking with Putin, talking about “smakin’ him upside his head ” or telling him to ” fk off”. If this is the best America has to offer, we are becoming Haiti. This is our best (???) and brightest (???). I keep waiting for her to TWERK for the camera/ press. She is crass, low-life, and misrepresents the majority of America. She represents the ghetto -rat, Gangsta- Rapp crew who take pride in what she presents to the world. She is SAD, Sad, sad. What most black entertainers who revert back to the “old black Joe” mode of speech, gait, physical mannerisms is that we are not laughing with them, but laughing AT their representation of being a “brotha, or a sizzta”, not their jokes or their “humor” but their presentation of the stereotype of a Black. They need to stop. Wake up. Join civilization

  3. She screams racism every chance she gets but look at the example she gives of herself. Her mannerisms and speeches exudes the stereo-type she personifies. We call it like it is and how it’s presented. At this point, if she tried to change her image now, she would appear to be a fake. She is definitely not a good representative of Congress.


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