“Ain’t no party like a Diddy Party!!”
–Lebron JamesKatt Williams deserves a Lifetime Achievement Award
“Ain’t no party like a Diddy Party!!”
–Lebron JamesKatt Williams deserves a Lifetime Achievement Award
Sick puppy.
2025 is going to be a great year to watch TV with all the MAGA changes, the release of the P. Diddy and Epstein party lists (including photos and videos) and watching the rats and cockroaches trying to hide. ‘There shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth as they are cast into the Lake of Fire’ — Book of Revelations, Holy Bible.
Genesis 9:6 “by man’s hand, their life is to be forfeited”. WE must rid the earth of the savages & barbarians. WE don’t need “millstones and rope”. A cinder block and a short piece of chain will work, just fine, IF their hands are tied behind their back. IF we obey, we will no longer be enslaved to the Den of Corruption or the state. Restore the republic of We the People. Defund the Gestapo and the unGREATful SOCIETY.
He is the tip of the iceberg. There are so many more elite, rich bastards who have jumped on the pile. Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, all making frequent trips to Epstein’s Island. Meeting and f’ing pre-teen and teen girls. So many more out there we’ll never hear about. This puke got so self-absorbed that he got sloppy and caught. There is NO prison, no sentence, no punishment severe enough for this primitive simian POS. A firing squad would be a place to start? Put him in the town square and give a shotgun to all his victims.
WE have only 4 short years to right this sinking, socialist ship. We cannot waste ONE DAY. WE must be vigilant, purpose driven. NO QUARTER for the commie bastards