Oh SH*T! Now the TikTok ban makes TOTAL sense | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris



That so-called law could cancel anything they disagree with.
It’s a violation of the First Amendment!

Why don’t congress do some real work


  1. They cannot even protect the border! …We have re-emergence of diseases that were long controlled …We have people coming in ,UNCHECKED and let loose who may or may not have extreme evil intent…We have from what I can see a huge and multiplying homeless and jobless population,(see folks living under bridges ,highway overpasses [like Brazil] and in RVs ),yet they speak of a great economy …FOR WHO?…Certainly not our own ,…Check out highway road crews,roofing ,home renovation companies for example (Walk up to a random worker and ask for directions,in english and see what you get ) …..Jobs that once upon a time were for OUR KIDS,(you know /remember that first chance at independence ,training for making your own way after teenage hood), now almost TOTALLY dominated by foreign ADULTS… We have folks with very marginal ethics to NO morals at all demanding access to our children,to IMPOSE their “adult ways” on said … This summer will reveal many things concerning this gross lack of governance … Yet They can find time to censure speech …

  2. Would you allow the requirement to have a Google login before you can have an android telephone, or to login to applications using Facebook, Google, Yahoo logins or to have your Google Gmail account collect your emails on other email servers? It could be that this is proof we can prevent this in advance because the governance of monopolies has not been done.

    Ask yourself why TikTok videos can be played on YouTube owned by Google. Is it possible TikTok’s origin was a solution to Google search being disallowed in China? That possibly TikTok source was sold to ByteDance by Google or it is a reverse engineered YouTube and is the CIA’s tool of predictability.

  3. The secret of Freedom lies in Educating people. Whereas the secret of Tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. Maximilian De Robespierre

  4. One outfit has a thousand years of invasion, domination, conquest,
    then elimination…. Be CATHOLIC “C” or be dead. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for failure forever and a traitor.
    The FBI, the CIA are all now CATHOLIC and destroying the USA from within.
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor.
    Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and the borders will never be secured. CATHOLIC is an international crime syndicate which calls itself a religion.

  5. The internet is a weapon of mass destruction.

    Even Ted Koppel said this, though his was in a different context as regards our electrical grid.

    But I say it is as regards the electricity running in our brains.

  6. Hate what is bad — O you who love Jehovah, hate what is bad.—Ps. 97:10. The Bible reveals that Jehovah hates “haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.” (Prov. 6:16, 17) He also “detests violent and deceptive people.” (Ps. 5:6) Jehovah hates these attitudes and actions so much that he wiped out all the wicked in Noah’s day because they had filled the earth with violence. (Gen. 6:13) Also, through the prophet Malachi, Jehovah said that He hates those who treacherously scheme to divorce their innocent marriage partner. God rejects their worship and will call them to account for their conduct. (Mal. 2:13-16; Heb. 13:4) Jehovah wants us to “abhor what is wicked.” (Rom. 12:9) The word “abhor” describes a strong emotional response; it means to hate something intensely, to be disgusted by it. Therefore, even the thought of doing something that Jehovah says is bad should be repulsive to us. And if it is NOT repulsive to you, beware! The end of this satanic system is fast approaching, and this system of things ruled by Satan will end at Armageddon and just as the wicked were destroyed in Noah’s Day, so will those who refuse to obey Jesus (our now ruling king) will also be destroyed. NOTE!! WHO ACTUALLY RULES THE EARTH??? Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” If you have questions, please ask, or email me at [email protected]. I can also give you directions to a FREE online Bible study course that you can use when it is convenient to you. If you have questions about the Bible, I can answer them. Any help I can provide is always freely given as is commanded in the Bible.


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