Oh Sh*t! California is about create a MASSIVE housing crisis | Redacted w Clayton Morris



THIS is the Craziest thing I’ve EVER heard. I feel like I fell asleep for 30 years and woke up in a different country. Is this even America anymore?

Just so you understand we Californians didn’t get to vote for this. We had NO SAY in this! It was ALL gruesome Newsome!


  1. I’m sure glad that I left that sh*t hole in 1994! Politically, it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as now but I did leave because of the cost of living then. It’s only gotten way worse now! You can’t expect Newsom to be any different, after all he is Pelosi’s nephew. All in the family.

  2. There is not a single thing CA ever gave to its residents before this Marxist giveaway/mass population transfer agenda. CA only takes, and now that it has succeeded in replacing and displacing all white people, CA wants to pretend it cares about “Hispanics” before another state can grab them with other give-aways. The word “Hispanic” was created in the 1970s by the same Marxists who have engineered the current theft. It is all theft. Gavin Newsom is just another puppet with his own hands out. He’s moved his family out of Sacramento and back to Marin County. The Chinese handed him $3.5 Million to buy a lovely place on the river, but Sacramento County is a Sheet-hole thanks to its Sanctuary practices.

  3. And, yes, the state senators and representatives “making laws” in Sacramento only work for the big bucks and care not what anyone living in CA thinks or how their bad laws will affect them. Dr. Pan, the state senator who eliminated the religious right to say “No” to mandatory vaccines, has made tens of millions of dollars pushing Big Pharma in CA.

  4. I left NY State for the same basic reasons, as it continues its downhill spiral with the Democrat/Socialist agenda. With the current liberal, idiotic leadership and the “Big Apple” running things out of Albany, this once beautiful state has become the CA of the east coast.

  5. Sanity and Water testing for hallucinogens and other drugs should be MANDATORY, for some political centers…. Meanwhile the homeless population GROWS and many of those therein probably paid INTO the tax money source that will go for free to someone elase and NOT them …Outsiders/enemies in OTHER countries MUST be rolling on the floor with laughter at these self destructive and distablizing schemes ….IMO, Resentment is I am sure is growing ,it is only a matter of TIME before something breaks…

  6. You voted for Newsom in the aggregate, you failed at the recall in the aggregate…….



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