Obama to hold intervention with Biden as Kamala is ‘furious’ post-debate: Report



Obamas forth term is in danger

Shame on you Jill Biden!!!


  1. “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”-OBAMA

    MICHEL OBAMA: “Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”
    Translated: “we have to use the correct pronouns, celebrate transgenders in women’s sports, tear down historic statues, rename schools and streets after serial thugs, vilify our founding fathers, support reparations, feminize the milifairy, allow in more illegal aliens, terrorists and Somalis and play the race card.”

    “..never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fu#$ things up!”……..Hussein Obama’

    “We have the chance to do even more, but that only happens if we send Joe and Kamala back to the White House in November,” Obama stated. “So, we’ve got to keep working.”-MulatObama

    “Barack Obama: “I used to say, if, if I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man, a front woman and they had an earpiece in and I was in the basement in my sweats … I’d be fine with that.”-The Late Show

  2. Why isobama involved? He is not part of the administration. Font thry have professonals for this sort of thing?

    Oh obama is worried soros puppet is failing.

  3. Obama is not the elected President. Kamala Harris is too incompetent and who in the heck gives Obama the lawful standing to do anything? You think Obama hasn’t been in charge?

  4. Fk FJB and OBUThead, both hate America and Americans, and are trying to destroy our country with illegals. Both their wives are as pathetic, evil, disgusting, power hungry, American hating, think were all stupid, to gasl ight us every day, lie to us, u doomed your own party, with dementia joe, where am I? lol

  5. When they prove Obama has been running this thing, holding the “un”-duly elected President and our Oval Office hostage/kidnapped. Maybe this is why Bribem took a full-year out of the last three off on vacation? That should call for the “supreme sacrifice”. Maybe he could be up on the scaffold with that Muslim Major that murdered our soldiers at Ft Hood? He got the death penalty. Why hasn’t it happened? Or did Obama make a secret annotation on the sentence to save a brother?


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