NYC Letitia James is PISSED as Trump Gets 2 BIG Wins!



TRUMP all the way 2024

Liz Cheney should be ARRESTED!!!


  1. James, Willis, WADE, Smith, Braggs and Engoron all need to go to prison. When trump is president they may all get the chance.

    You knwo that is why the democrats are doing so many corrupt things to keep trump out of office. IF trump gets in office they knwo he is goinn scorched earth on the democrat corruption.

  2. This presenter made one false statement in his podcast, which that there was no weapons of mass destruction, WMD. The UN sent five investigative teams, from different countries, to determine if Sadam Hussein used WMD’s on his own people. This information is in the “912 Report.” It’s about 574 pages, but worth
    the read.

    The outcome of these UN teams found large quantities of drums filled with chemical mustard gas. Additionally, the teams found several mass graves filled with hundreds of bodies in various conditions of decomposition. Each teams Med Examiner’s reported that the bodies died from chemical gas exposure. The UN teams reports were given to Congress prior to military went into Iraq.

    The WMD’s was the law created after WW1, and the definition included mustard gas as a WMD.

    I agreed with the Bush administration and Congresses decision to go to Iraq. However, I do not agree that we needed to stay over there for over 20-years. Burn down our enemies and get out.

    In case any readers want to know, I’m a lifelong Republican and will vote for Trump a third time. Trump is the best president I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.

  3. I’m a Republican and always will be. My thoughts are always with our armed forces and their families. I feel that this government should have been taken down from day one. I hope that people will not fall for the lies that are being told about Trump and that all of the so called prosecutors will be dealt with by law abiding people who are,seeking the full truth not liars.

  4. Lizzybut Cheyney is an idiot, just like her dear old dad! She and all of piglosi’s sham committe should be in jail for destroying and hiding evidence. The whole J6 committee was a sham, it was piglosi’s way of covering her arse for setting up the “ insurrection”, so she could impeach Trump! She must be held accountable, along with the rest of the committee for seditious acts.


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