NYC is Now So Dangerous… Nobody Can Live Here


Crime has always been a problem in New York, but new types of criminal activity are taking the city by storm and changing it in ways some people find controversial.


Checkpoints and police are useless if you keep letting criminals go.

41000 scooters off the streets but 41000 criminals remain.


  1. Time to cancel Bail reform . Time to thin out the illegals, send the bad ones home, that would be about all of them, they only want the free money, free homes, free medical, free schools, free food. As Americans we have to pay for ours.

    • Send all illegals home whether good or bad – they are here illegally. They need to come through the ports of entry, period and be vetted. Then they need to apply for a green card or citizenship. Then they need to be approved entry. Part of applying for citizenship is to prove that he/she is self-sufficient so they’re not a burden on society. The Dems need to taken the naturalization test – they might learn something. The Dems get offended by us calling them illegals – “if it walks like a duck…” If illegals are here illegally, they certainly aren’t legal immigrants. I call it like it is.

  2. OMG what a joke!! That means 41000 criminals are still out there. JAIL, DEPORTATION is the only way to stop this insanity… NO CHARGES DROPPED!

  3. But you have the citizens voting the same way in New York City, they like what they are getting…. Stupid does what stupid is!

  4. Yeah, wanna solve the problem, just vote Democrats that simple they’ll just point their fingers and you’ll get everything, just remember Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, Asam Schiff

  5. “NYC is Now So Dangerous… Nobody Can Live Here” Ya thunk? Even ‘visitors’ get dead in NYC! Were I forced to ‘visit’ NYC, I would only do so with a Machine-gun at the ready, and as I was taught in my long ago military days, KILL anyone in front of me!


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