New York Illegals Now Begging For More Resources From Tax Payers



Why are my tax dollars helping non Americans when there are so many Americans that need help? I can’t figure this out

Here’s an idea, don’t break into another country illegally !


  1. Hodge bros..

    Great question you posed..Why on God’s green earth would you go to a country where you don’t speak the language and start demanding handouts? The answer is that state and city are being run by weak people, not leaders, weak people who are only looking for the next generation of democrat voters. Little do they know, woman like the one in this video from somewhere in the east, have no plans to keep our democratic republic. She will absolutely institute sharia law as soon as she has the population to back her up. It has already started in Canada and parts of the UK.. Michigan and Minnesota have a huge population of muslims and they have ZERO plans on assimilation.

    • Absolutely right on! MUZSLIME are the perfect definition of parasites. Godless vile nasty ugly demon possessed freaks who do not belong among human beings!

    • Take them and the anti-American students at the former Ivy-League schools SAT’s no longer required? I guess not if you teach anti-Americanism and Democratisch-Marxism. Shut them down and send these “fowl spouting” punks to Iran with the illegal invaders and Middle East American haters. LAPES them in and drop them with G11 heavy drop chutes. Bring those Ukrainian women here that actually qualify for asylum. They are hard working and would asimulate. They will even bring passports to prove who they are. Imagine that! Send O’Kenyan, Bribem, Shumer and many others over there. They already have enough cash in the “Bank of Iran”.

  2. The only assistance that all these people who came to this country ILLEGALLY is a one way ticket out of our country. No more carrots!

  3. The nerve of these roaches coming here and DEMANDING that WE Americans take care of these people are outrageous!! They can’t eat the food they can’t get everything they want so they complain about it and DEMAND that they be treated the way THEY want!! WE DIDN’T ASK THEM TO COME HERE!!! So they should turn their nappy asses around and go back to their shithole that they came out of!!! Who the hell do they think they are? And if a liberal wants to invite them to live with them and take care of them out of their own pocket, then by all means go ahead, but don’t ask us taxpayers to fork ANY money to help them. The deal is NO!!! Illegals are not wanted here, especially if they think our country will support them. There’s a thing called WORK!! I’m so sick of these free loaders!!


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