NEW Trump Assassination Video Shows Secret Service LET Assassin SHOOT Trump, Sabotaged Security



I can tell you why the police are incompetent everywhere. My Marine husband applied at a sheriff’s office. He passed all his testing with flying colors. When he took the IQ test, they told him it was high and that they might not accept him because high IQ individuals get bored with police work. My husband was not hired after his 3rd interview. My husband would have made a great sheriff. He is patient, kind, caring, and truly cares about people. He has a true sense of justice by studying the constitution at length. He takes the oath he made in service serious even today. He would have been an asset. I’m personally glad that he didn’t get hired, although I would have supported him if he had been hired. We need police reform, and to hire people who want to be officers for the justice aspect.

I don’t even hear anything regarding the assassination anymore, no one is charged, you know it’s inside job and they’re not done yet.


  1. I know what you mean. I understand that Police Departments have to lower the standards on passing as not meeting the minority quota. This is outrageous. I think our men and women do a marvelous job under very horrible conditions. You have to have common sense and very attentiv. We see where these restrictions have gotten us.

  2. People, please!!!! The US Supreme Court ruled that police departments are entitled to hire only the dumb, and fire and refuse to hire the intelligent. They all know that hiring someone who is intelligent likely means that person will not mindlessly follow the rules their superiors demand. An intelligent person might 2nd guess a dumb rule or policy. Thus, it is the Law in America that police departments hire only the dumb and dumber.

  3. Why has the woman in hat and white shirt behind Trump video recording with her cell phone immediately after Trump was shot. A news report identified her as an FBI agent and named her – I don’t recall her name. What was an FBI agent doing behind Trump in the bleachers – she was not in the crowd to protect Trump. Find this woman/FBI agent and it will lead to the leaders of this attempt to kill.


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