NBC Host ABRUPTLY Ends Interview After Republican EXPOSES Democrats’ ELECTION DENIAL Hypocrisy!



My Hispanic community is overwhelmingly voting for President Trump. No joking, folks.

John Kerry doesn’t even look human.


  1. Not exactly correct about the left being the original party to utilize political violence since Bush. The Democrat party has used violence against opposing parties since well before the Republican party even existed. Hell, Lincoln’s assassination was a Democrat using the most extreme political violence. Research every presidential assassination or attempt in US history.

  2. John Kerry better stop getting face procedures done to make him look younger, all it’s doing is making him look more freaky. The lying from him could cause a reaction to his facial expression as well. Kerry has this interview with lying Psaki oh that’s going to be so truthful…. NOT! Lie, Cheat, and Steal that’s all the Democrats know to win an election. They have done enough damage, time to remove all and get our country back together.

  3. KERRY needs to call it quits. Democrats started this game. Remember, it was Democrats fought Bush-Gore; then, went crazy when TRUMP BEAT HILLARY. WAKE UP.

  4. The democrats have never accepted the election when a republican won. So for this news commentator to say it’s a yes or no answer for Rubio to answer if he would accept it when a democrat wins is laughable. The fraud and corruption that the liberal left has committed is disgusting. Get them out of our government NOW!!!

  5. Doe sit surprise you that the networks are so obviously bias that they try to cut interviews that are pro trump and anti democrat?

    You woudl think at some point they would relent and be honest, but it seems like that is never goign to happen.

    I think if trump is election and especial if the republicans win the house and senate they shoudl start canceling these networks right to broadcast.


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