Love love love love love MTG! She’s not a coward. Speaks the truth! The only reason people try to make her look insane is because she’s a truth teller, plain and simple!
Simple thought that the shooter wasn’t the Patsy on the roof, but a highly trained shooter who took the shot at the right moment sending a message instead of death.
MTG shows no sign of backing down from any liberal left jerks, a lesson for the rest of the republicans to get up off their asses and come together as a team! She can’t do it alone and it’s time for the rinos to be removed since they don’t do a damn thing for the Republican Party, all they do is side with the Democrats so they should become one. I like MTG she’s a fighter and she’s not going to take anyone’s shit.
Love love love love love MTG! She’s not a coward. Speaks the truth! The only reason people try to make her look insane is because she’s a truth teller, plain and simple!
I LOVE someone who SPEAKS their mind ROOTED in TRUTH.
Just to answer the question of how many shooters were there, HOW MANY DEMOCRATS ARE THERE?
Where’s Waldo?
I mean Biden…
Has anyone seen him in the last few days?
You know…
Simple thought that the shooter wasn’t the Patsy on the roof, but a highly trained shooter who took the shot at the right moment sending a message instead of death.
Jesus and the founders said to SEPARATE from such gov’t. (evil). are you a good Amerikan? A good Christian? OBEY ye slaves of the STATE
MTG shows no sign of backing down from any liberal left jerks, a lesson for the rest of the republicans to get up off their asses and come together as a team! She can’t do it alone and it’s time for the rinos to be removed since they don’t do a damn thing for the Republican Party, all they do is side with the Democrats so they should become one. I like MTG she’s a fighter and she’s not going to take anyone’s shit.