MSNBC DESTROYS Jen Psaki Trying To Spin Biden Freefall



Mr Biden, you are no Ronald Reagan.

MAGA is not “make Trump great again”, it is “make America great again” period…..


  1. Living forever – Is this possible? Yes, it is. Please remember that ALL of Almighty God’s works are perfect. When Adam was created he was PERFECT, which means he had everlasting life just as all angels as well as Jesus have everlasting life. Can we prove that Adam had everlasting life in the Bible? Easily.
    Genesis 3:3 But God has said about the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden: ‘You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die.” Otherwise makes it very clear that if they obeyed the command ‘You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die” then Adam and Eve would still be alive TODAY. AND, all of us, the descendants of Adam and Eve, would also have everlasting life. Now, for those of you who firmly believe in so-called evolution you need to do a study on DNA. You know, that about 6’ long coding that exists in every single one of your cells and which allows the cells to reproduce perfectly time after time after time. Which brings up another interesting point; you have how many different cells in your body? Like for skin, blood, hair, muscles, bone and etc. How many different types of cells are in your body? Probably hundreds, and each one of those different cells must have a DIFFERENT DNA so that each cell can reproduce AND continue in the purpose for which it was created to do. Now, as you are thinking about this, I have only mentioned us humans. Every animal and type of animal/fish have cells which must also reproduce. I assume, have not studied this, that plants are also the same. So explain to me how evolution explains DNA. Evolution does not. Believers in evolution simply ignore the subject as far as I have been able to learn. I can also direct you to a free online Bible study course that you can use at your convenience. All information or help I can provide is always free; I do not need your help as I depend on Him for what I need; [email protected].
    ALSO; What God Has Revealed About the Future (Do you ‘believe’ in Jesus? Jesus told us what he believes about the Father. ALL of John 17 is a prayer that Jesus made the day before he was put to death; John 17:17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. – Only one Truth can exist or they would be in conflict one with the other.
    If you have questions or would like to read the rest of the post on “Living forever”, please email me and request it and/or ask your questions(s). I can answer any question about the Bible that you may have. Please remember, we know the Bible is the inspired word of Almighty God because there has NEVER been a failure of any of the 1804 prophecies given in the Bible. NEVER. ALL prophecies have been fulfilled perfectly up till now and we have only a very few prophecies still pending.

  2. Just remember, P-saki is a proud graduate of the ‘Baghdad Bob’ school for Liars. She is good. Anyone who can stare straight-faced into a camera for years and lie through her teeth without cracking or being struck by lightning has to be given credit.

  3. Poor Ragedy Jen! Was she alway’s a liar? Anyone here know somebody that dated her in school? Like most Dems including Borrack and his brother Hakeem. They all have a small black spot on the brain.


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