Mike Johnson ENDS MSNBC In 3.27 Seconds



Praying for Mike Johnson! Stand your ground for conservative values!



  1. You talking about the Ukraine mafia where democrats and crooked Joe Biden and democrats disguised as Republicans money laundry thier illegally gotten gains it is about time the Republicans remember who voted them in and it was not to push the democrats communist agenda

  2. Joe Scarborough is a prick with glasses 🤓 sitting next to a slut wife, they both are disgusting 🤮. Scarborough was involved with a young woman before he was married to this slut wife and she ended up dead, nothing was resolved from this matter it was swept under the rug. Coming from lots of money he made it disappear.

  3. The Bible; you do not have to read the Bible in order to believe it. There are 1804 prophecies in the Bible. Prophecy means Almighty God foretelling us what He was going to do in the future. There has never been a failure in prophecy; they have all come to pass exactly as stated in the Bible, except a very few prophecies that we are still waiting on, such as the Great Tribulation (coming VERY soon!). There are millions of people world-wide who hate the Bible and if there were failure(s) in the Bible, they would be shouting about it from the rooftops world-wide. But if you ask about Bible lies/failures, there is only silence. If you have questions/doubts, please ask or email me at [email protected]. Any answers/help I can provide is always freely given as is commanded in the Bible. FREELY GIVEN means I depend upon Him for what I need and I do not have to depend on you or others for money/help. I can also direct you to an online Bible study course that is free and which you can use when it is convenient for you.

  4. Name 3 prophecies that have “come to pass exactly as stated in the Bible” and include the chapter and verse where they are so stated.

    • Jesus foretold of His death (1), His burial (2), and His resurrection (3). Since it’s obvious you cannot count, that’s 3. And there are many more if you would take the time to read God’s word

  5. How can a country so broke give money we don’t have to the rest of the world. THERE IS NO LOGIC TO THIS !!
    Of course they can keep printing, but what will that do for a country that isn’t taking any money in.
    This so-called ADMINISTRATION which the whole WORLD knows is ILLEGITIMATE wants us to live under a DICTATORSHIP.

    FUCK THEM !!!!!
    I don’t want a penny of our VERY VERY hard earned money to go outside of this country. There is no RESPECT for our country who gives this money away. THEY HATE US !!! END OF STORY !!!
    Time to start HANGING THESE so-called ELECTED officials in town square live on TELEVISION for the whole WORLD to see. Either that or kiss your money goodbye No country DESERVES our money !!!!
    The rest of the world can just rely on themselves !!!!

    • How can Trumps crawling up his case followers send your small time money to a snake oil salesman. Y’all drank the Koolaid!!! March with God. Not the Nazis

  6. Joe Scarborough is a lunatic. He has no balls. I know women personally who will make him cry for his mommy. He’s a tall bully. That’s all. He has the communist media as his backup. Pussy.


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