Mike Johnson ENDS Illegal Voting In 3.27 Minutes



Pass the Save Act!!!!!
TRUMP 2024



    • the slaves, that have a long history of abuse, NOT being represented, will fall for this one too, and NEVER separate from this evil empire called Amerika. Will keep sending them money…. “fear is the passion of slaves”. A 2nd amendment is useless to a coward

  1. it is unconscionable to give any non-American the right to VOTE in this or any other election. All biden and the democraps are trying to do is get “thank you’s” for biden turning his back (or turning over in bed) so illegals could enter our Country the past 3 1/2 years. I pray to THE LORD that PRESIDENT TRUMP shows them the “south door” to our border the DAY he takes office, if not before. EARTH to biden & kammie: YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED; YOU ARE ABOUT TO BECOME A MINOR FOOTNOTE IN OUR HISTORY !

    • Dems have do trashed the Constitution, including the House members who openly trash Israel, our ally. That’s treason, going against our laws & supporting other attacking Israel . Supporting colleges doing same. There was a time we’d put our foot down & kick them out of office.

  2. When we had a TRUE Immigration policy you actually had to pass a test to become a United States Citizen. Why anyone in America does not know the U.S. Constitution – Article XIX, is beyond understanding. Why a sitting President, like Obama, can use an “Executive Order” to change an immigration policy is also beyond belief. One man controlling millions who think differently (HA!) We have a Congress with no backbone to live up to the principles of our Constitution. Let’s start being TRUE AMERICAN CITIZENS and rely on our History, Constitution, and PRIDE. I’m neither Democrat or Republican but see our country being destroyed because of politicians that want control forever.

      • Wut? You can’t believe these Marxist/Socialist/Communist pretenders to ‘serve’ “We The Serfs” care one twit about some “oath?” Those running this ‘new’ ‘Banana Republic’ are pure Evil, and only by good people doing nothing does Evil triumph!

        Unfortunately, I’m a realist, I believe that America is long past the ‘point of no return,’ and has already hit that iceberg. Our journey to that “Ash Heap of History” is rapidly coming to an end. It is, after all, the resting place of ALL ‘former’ World Powers!

      • they take an oath, to a document that NEITHER of you have read, or possess a right that you can exercise. How much more abuse can you take, and continue to pay for? REAL men have separated for much less. In 1861 IT was for one tax, that Lincoln promised to sign. bunch of sissies in Amerika… covid exposed who you really fear, IT ain’t GOD !

    • You are so right. Allowing someone to vote who has no right to vote and can’t speak English and has no business here in this country, because Joe Biden said everything was free. Now that sounds like something that Joe didn’t think of it sounds like his Border Person Mayorkas who has truly ruined this Country and is so proud of it that he lied before Congress and the American People. This Mayorkas needs to be fired and sent pack out of this Country and he has deceived the people that pay his wages. What Bum this Mayorkas is.

  3. When you have to depend on illegals to win an election in the country you suppose to have won in, that speaks volumes to me. Biden didn’t do nothing for the US citizens except make us dig deeper into our wallets. Wake up people. Enough is enough

  4. WE should not have to make another Amendment. The Constitution itself is enough to kick every one of the Illegals out of our Country without even having to do anything but follow the Law. Biden is following someone’s orders. I am sick and tired of this happening in our Country and to have a Colorado Governor who nobody wanted him in this State, stood up and said I am not leaving, no matter who voted for me or who didn’t I don’t have to leave because you don’t like me. There is nothing that we can about a Governor that nobody wanted? Something is radically wrong with that. Other states have driven their Governor out of office. Its time for Polis to go.

    • when you are NOT obeying the laws you have, make a new one to not enforce? Patriot Act sink in yet, you bunch of sheeople ? idiots

  5. Oh, the Oath is just to get in and through the door……..

    Then they toss it behind them as they walk through and close the door back.


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