Meltdown After 9-0 Supreme Court Ruling Trump Can Be on the Ballot, with Stu Burguiere & Dave Marcus



I used to vote for Democrat. Not Any more . Now I change my Vote to Republicans Go TRUMP 2024

This is a major win for the people of the United States. We pick our President! Full stop.


  1. I just cannot understand why people would vote for democrat and misery for themselves, especially just because the script readers on the news media tell them to? Think for yourself and vote for your interests…. Vote Trump 2024 and let’s look forward to greatness!

  2. I do not know how people cannot think about what is real and what is not. There are efforts everywhere to make the guilty look innocent and to criminalize the good and innocent. That results in no bail and no jail for the guilty. The innocent have to keep being the victims. When you are down in a hole, stop digging. Voting for people who keep making dangerous and stupid policies that make America worse for our own people and make it a paradise for lying invaders. Free housing, free phones, free health care. Where is all of that free support for homeless vets and regular Americans who are struggling but cannot afford any of that stuff? So called progressives and liberals are not helping us they are hurting the US.

  3. It was predictable that the Supreme Court voted as it did. With the majority of them being Republicans, what else can one expect? In my opinion, Judges should be non-political.

  4. Why are the democrats so intent on destroying democracy? Why are the democrats so against letting the voters choose?

    The democrats cheat in elections every possible way.
    They violate campaign finance laws, bride judges, prosecutors, DA’s, AG’s, and voters.
    They buy voters with student loan payoffs.
    They add non-citizens to the voter registrations.
    They bribe the non-citizens and lazy people with free housing, food, clothes, phones, transportation schooling and even college.
    They buy the voting machine company so they can tweak the system.

    There is not any reason that we woudl not assume that they are engage in out and out fake ballots and fake vote counts.

    the fact is there is no reason we as a country shoudl not be rounding up democrats and putting them in prison.

  5. The American Citizens throughout our entire country needs to start using common sense! Apparently many people do not have any idea of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. This also includes American History and European History. Many people in America have no idea what GDP & GNP represents. Gross National Product, & Gross Domestic Product. These two represent Americans being employed throughout our entire country. The communist in America better known as the Left are attempting to remove Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion, and of course the Freedom to vote in a Democratic Society who we want to represent us. What you are now seeing is the Communist trying to Destroy America and make it a third world nation! That was Barrack Obamas intent from the very beginning!


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