I am an Orthodox Jew and I’m having second hand embarrassment from Rabbi Shmuley. He’s probably the most counterproductive person for combatting antisemitism. I literally cringe every time I hear him speak. Know that he is not our spokesman.

Then again, a married woman with three kids running away with a schoolboy is not AT ALL weird…..


    • I just did a little more research into finding pictures of Michelle growing up. People’s magazine dumped a bunch of pictures of her as a child with her family. I may have to take back all of the things I have thought about her through the years. Mrs. Macron is another thing in of itself.

  1. Ever wonder why all of this non-sense is happening? Paganization of the Bible/Christian teachings. Why? Because the early priests of the churches professing Christianity wanted more dues paying members, so they used pagan teaching from Babylon to entice more pagans to ‘convert’. Rev 18:2 … “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a place where every unclean spirit and every unclean and hated bird lurks! 3 For because of the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, all the nations have fallen victim, and the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth became rich owing to the power of her shameless luxury.” This is what the Bible says; John 17:17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. – So how can you use lies to promote what Jesus taught us? You can’t, which is why Rev 18:2 is in the Bible.
    (Psalm 12:6) The sayings of Jehovah are pure; They are like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times.
    (Psalm 119:151) You are near, O Jehovah, And all your commandments are truth.
    (Psalm 119:160) The very essence of your word is truth, And all your righteous judgments endure forever.
    The Holy Name of Almighty God; AV King James Bible; Psalms 83:18 that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. — The Most Holy Name Jehovah is in the King James Bible just 4 times, BUT, it is in the original manuscripts more than 7,000 times; WHY? Also, the name Jesus means: Jehovah is salvation”. – Go ahead, goggle it. Why do the so-called ‘Christian churches’ (now numbering more than 41,000 DIFFERENT sects) demand that those who attend such a divided (divisions are noted in the Bible as being a work of the flesh; NOT of the Spirit) group use Bibles that are NOT accurate? Because Jehovah God will not let those who teach lies (designed to control people through fear) to use His Holy Name. An example; hell DOES NOT EXIST, and I can prove it, easily; [email protected]. Please email me if you have questions. I can answer any question about the Bible using the Bible to do so. Any help I can provide is always free.


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