Mayorkas blames border chaos on ‘irresponsible politics’ in shocking interview



Who else believes Mayorkas should be in Prison ?

I Despise Mayorkas! TRAITOR!


  1. Is he living on a different planet? He and President Biden are the problem. If they did nothing we wouldn’t have this problem. And, it’s people like Richard Gere, other Hollywood celebrities, the MSM and Democrats who believe this BS and believe conservatives for not being willing to engage in meaningful dialogue. But with an honest and fair press, they would know who is responsible for a wide open border, high inflation, men in women’s sports, indoctrination education, a wacked out foreign policy, high crime rate, “lawfare”, and the rise of antisemitism on college camouses.

  2. See that crazed look in his eyes? This is exactly like all of the leftist crazies. Just look at their eyes – they don’t even have to open their mouths. It’s just like Dem “leaders” to blame the problems on everyone but themselves. The border chaos is 100% the fault of the Dems. The invasion was purposely allowed to happen. Deportation ceased to exist during the last 4 years. I think anyone who tries to stop Trump and Homan’s mass deportation should have the really badass illegals literally dumped on their doorsteps. All involved in this mass invasion of our country these last 4 years should definitely face prison time. Add extra time for each American killed and/or raped (more for the innocent children). How about the 300,000+ children that are missing put in the hands of unvetted sponsors? What could possibly go wrong? What’s being done about it and by whom?

  3. my written opinion of this man, his ethics, his character and his honesty would probably be immediately removed for inappropriate language. HE is the face of the danger to every American alive today or born in the future that IS/WAS the BIDEN administration immigration policy.


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