Mark Levin: Biden is guilty, and this was his confession



Any public official that goes into office and then leaves a millionaire should be investigated.

Vote these Democrats out of The People’s House!


  1. Joey’s agenda, is simple get us to the New World Order and in compliance as soon as possible. I am sure there is a nice reward for him doing so. In 3 years he has cost everysingle taxpayer millions of dollars in lost revenue, he has gave tax dollars away for uncertain issues, has double the cost of food, has tripled the cost of fuel, has wasted tax dollars on EV”s and the new green deal. All of the sudden Joey has taken interest in the southern border, can anyone tell me why? It must be election time. Watch out warning to the Blacks and Hispanics, he is going to come at you with his arms full of promises and deliver on none of those promises. In 3 years, what is your un employment rate went up to? Never had that problem when 45 was president. He promised and carried those promises out to you, then you went off again and voted for this dummycrat, Bribeden.

  2. It is apparent that many elected officials are doing insider trading, accepting bribery, and more. Obama was worth 500K when elected. When he left office he bought an Island several homes for $30 million. His worth estimated was over 100 million. Pelosi made 100 million on insider trading! Many others too

  3. The stupidest thing is that each area’s respective voters keep voting for the same idiots that they voted for in the first place.
    Watch out, socialism is on the way with communism close behind. Sad.

  4. The stupidest thing is that each area’s respective voters keep voting for the same idiots that they voted for in the first place.
    Watch out, socialism is on the way with communism close behind. Stupid.

  5. The entire democrats party should be charged with treason and insurrection every single one of them.


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