Marine CONFRONTS CNN Anchor For ATTACKING JD Vance’s Military Service While DEFENDING Stolen Valor!



It’s not a small mistake. Walz literally built his entire political career around a lie.

Trump is not attacking Walz’s record. Trump is questioning his statement on carrying weapons in war and his rank.


  1. U can’t gaslight your military records, like this radical, liberal, lying, pos and his service records. This commie is another lying, dumbocrap, that needs to step down, for this grave error, which was on purpose.

  2. Well let’s see, I am a 24 yr COMBAT veteran from the Iraq area of operations. I say Mr. WALZ IS CORRUT for trying to tell people he actually operates in a COMBAT zone carrying a rifle used in that zone. THIS IS THE ISSUE you dirt bags. SEEMS to me it is pretty much Democrats that have this problem The one who comes to mind is Senator Blumenthal. HE and Walz are very much the same.

    • Kerry spent three months in veitman on a swift boat, baby pt boat, he spent the whole time hiding in the haul with flack jackets and life jackets stacked around him. The entire navy knew all about it.

      When Kerry ran for office the navy vets hammered him and he deserved it.

  3. Much like budens constant lies about his background, Elizabeth warrant lies about her background, everyone’s lies about Hilary, and Michelle’s background, waltz has been lying about his background.

    He has zero credibility.

    We still need waltz to explain the value of using taxpayer money to put free tampons in the men’s bathrooms in every public building in the state. What are those tampons for? How is he expecting the guys to use them? Why isn’t there an instruction manual?

    The money could have been used to fix potholes, de-ice roads, plow more often, or even clean cafeterias better. So what was the over riding cost benefit?

    Waltz owes us an explanation.

    • I am with you on this whole thing about lying about being in the Service. if he can lie all the time. What can you believe about him. You know why he is putting tampons in the boys bathrooms. Because he thinks boys need to be turned into girls. Problem is that nobody should be trying to turn Girls into Boys and the other way around. This is about the most stupid thing that the Democrats have tried to put in place. You are either a Male or a Female and you need to deal with it on your own. I don’t care if you don’t want to be a male or a female. Those that have been transferred to one gender have found out that they didn’t really want to be changed into anything.

  4. The point is that Waltz deceived his history of service plain and simple! Makes him a liar period! Just because he is a Marxist doesn’t make him truthful!

  5. Kamala evidentially doesn’ t care whether her running mate is a liar or not. She has spent 4 years with the biggest liar ever, Joey. She is well worn when it comes to truth.

  6. The entire Democratic Party needs to stop trying to make some one that really doesn’t have a record of being in the Service. So what all has he lied about that makes him think any one should vote for a liar and a thief.

  7. CNN didn’t interview the hundreds of brave soldiers that Tampon Boy deserted before THEY deployed to Iraq.
    Why not CNN, “The most busted name in news”?

  8. These Democrat defenders of Walz are a joke. We might remember Clinton ran to Canada to dodge the draft for Nam. John Kerry did go to Nam, but managed to “shot” himself, earn a metal and got a free trip home. Virtually every member of his platoon gave negative statements when they tried to expose what they saw as cowardous in combat. Don’t think the Dems want that closet opened. Combat soldiers have issues only when people claim to have been in combat when they weren’t.


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