Letitia James GETS HAMMERED By Dan Bongino + Israel Attacks Iran



Americans should ALWAYS COME FIRST in America

Left the Democratic Party years ago because of leftist thinking and rulings.


  1. Wish thy wood give me some of that money Biden is giving away. I am on SSA and only get 1267 dollars a month and 71 years old and living in the Philippines with my new wife. My last wife passed away May 6th. 2017 and my new wife sent me a friend request on Facebook and I sold every thing to come here and marry my new wife and now I fined that it’s very hard for my wife to get a visa to come to the USA. All I needed was a plane ticket and get a 30 day visa when I got here it should be the same for people from the Philippines to come to the USA. I need to return home to the USA for my health sad all the others just cross in to the USA with nothing and Sleepy Joe just lets them in the USA.

    • Walter, you answered your own Delima. Get a plane ride to Mexico and run to the border and cross with your wife. Nobody will stop you and if they do and you get a court date, then just don’t show up like the rest of them. Welcome to America!

    • I feel you. Same here. I have to work an extra job to barely make ends meet. This administration has totally blown up the United States, and not in a good way. If it gets much worse, we’ll starve to death!

    • well if the supreme court says trump doe snot have immunity that you can haul every governemtn person to court for everything; including cops.

      you can’t say the president doe snot have immunity, but someone far far below does. Si sue away for everything constantly. demand massive amounts of money the rule rules make $500 million a new standard.

  2. America should always come first!!!!we won’t as long as the Democrats run this country…Vote Republican and lock the dems up

    • just a thought. if trump doe snot have immunity then there is no reason you can not sue L. james and Engoron for pain and suffering they have caused you.

  3. I left the demonrat party the day Obama announced his candidacy! I knew he would start destroying our country and everything we stand for. And the rat has proven me correct. He is still at it, through his doofus stooge Biden! Wake up people, Trump MUST win, if Trump loses, we are done for. With all the bogus charges against him, he is stronger than ever. Vote MAGA!!!!!!!!


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