Leftist Student Insists Facts Are Unfair



The “I don’t want to do this” when asked a question he couldn’t answer says it all.

I have never met a republican or a conservative who twisted and manipulated words and their definitions more than the left does. They literally give new meaning to words


  1. Charlie proved his point when he switched from cities to states. The student was right to compare cities with worst crime when most big cities are democrats. When Charlie said ok- then go to states and republicans have taken over a previously extensive Democratic rule they had significant results. Which is true. The fact that Charlie gave the student credit for his fact, yet was still able to prove the same point. The student clearly wants to take less factual sources to make the argument fairer but that makes the point less accurate when the presenter’s goal is not the most factual but is more balanced. It’s like the argument” can’t we all get along “ in heaven that will work but on Earth it may give people a feel good moment at the time but is always destructive beyond that. Short term gratification generation. This concept is like Socialisms social justice. Make everything balanced so it is kinder and more balanced. This is how the left justifies their thinking. “ well my argument is kinder and more fair, albeit less accurate” “ that “ must be” (supposedly) kinder and therefore more beneficial. The problem is it is less factual if it is at all factual. That’s why socialism and leftist policies do not work. They start with inaccurate assumptions and data and this the result is always seriously flawed. It is comparable in a very broad sense “ wouldn’t it be better if everyone gets a trophy ?” because they win because they showed up and the other wins because it actually wins. This is a problem with the education and parenting that prioritizes feelings over outcomes. Some would argue that might’ve better but history shows that when the intelligence or assumptions are flawed or skewed the result is as well. He just needs the hard truth. The only answer is he needs to bring his own facts. He needs to works harder and be more knowledgeable. This is a problem for these generations. This student clearly listened to many of Charlie’s presentation then researched them, but he researched them with an eye to find a fault. When I was in high school in the 1970s we had to take a important issue, in my case it was Roe vs Wade ( oddly enough). 1/2 the class was assigned (not choosen), the other half the other. Your grades were based on controlled organized debates ( forget Presidential debates) . There were winners and losers – some debated well regardless of facts because you had to know the real facts. No estimating. Language is a part of it. But Charlie knows his subjects well and has probably argued every perspective but that is what makes his style of teaching most effective. Also a flawed education today allows for poor communication skills. This is also a huge source of contention in today’s world because people do not put value on that skill as they had to in the past. This student thinks that Charlie wins by manipulating words because accepting the facts is too black and white, and unarguable. As my father used to say “ Life’s not fair”. I hope he is a Christian because he will really hate the alternative’s rules. Just a few thoughts.

  2. Life isn’t fair and never has been. No matter how hard people try to make a utopian society, it NEVER works. There will always be greed, jealousy, and lust which will always undermine any attempt at Utopia. Just look at all the dummycrat controlled areas of the country. Their attempt at Utopia is really a raw sewage hole. California was a beautiful state at one time, even though it always had a high cost of living, rich in resources so much that it’s GNP was more than some countries. Yet with 50 years of dummycrat rule, the state is a crumbling broke hell hole that relies on the rest of this country to survive and it’s still a hell hole even using other state’s resources. Look at the what happened when a buch of leftist dick heads took over downtown Seattle calling it “the summer of love.” They destroyed the businesses in that area, an innocent person was murdered, and they ended up turning that area into a leftist shit hole prison camp. The place was more like a Soviet Gulag. But then, leftist are all communist at heart.

  3. That person was so concerned about Charlie using FACTS as in actual truths, reality OVER feelings. Facts don’t account for feelings.
    Plus he was all about Google who willingly change stories, meanings because the DemonRatic government and FBI tell them to change, or place the facts/truths so far down buried beneath countless pages that a person won’t see them.
    The fact that this person obviously uses Google exclusively shows he hasn’t a clue.
    He is clueless. Couldn’t deal in the actual truth and facts. Just alternative feelings & alternative facts. That is how the left has programmed our youth. Feelings do not take facts into account and vice versa. These kids are so lost and the compass they’ve been given and taught to use isn’t just faulty. It is made up. Like teaching that a person can change their gender. That a pregnant female isn’t carrying a baby who is forming and growing. That biological males can become female and get pregnant and birth a baby. That a trans female is not only as good but better than a biological female. They invent lies and present them as facts. And far too many are nothing but gullible which is why they push the lie that girls should be saved from the pain of puberty. As if taking male hormones and going through all those surgeries and taking pills, receiving shots for the rest of their lives is somehow LESS painful than all the medical butchering and preferable to puberty. Unreal. Also they deny that so many commit suicide when they realize their entire life is based on a lie. For most there is no going back. No magical reverse pill so they can continue as they were born. Young men who have taken puberty blockers will not defy actual truth, science and pick up their puberty where it was stopped where it was artificially blocked. Those boys who are now in their teens or young men and did not have “bottom” surgery will live the rest of their lives with their micro, tiny penis they had when they started the blockers. If they were 10 yrs old then the rest of their lives will be lived with the tiny 10 yr old sized penis. The pain they suffered to change their bodies will always be a part of their lives. And puberty “pain” is nothing compared to what they went through to become someone they were never meant to be. Orgasms? Only if they can have anal orgasms. The open wound doesn’t have the sexual sensitivity to have vaginal muscles or orgasms.
    How can this be supported by a certain party and it’s members? How can so many parents destroy their children by convincing them from an early ago that they were “assigned” the wrong gender when they were born? What would cause a parent to do that heavy, non reversible damage, making their child infertile, tortured? Why does our government allow such atrocities to be done to children by the very people who should be willing to die for these tiny persons that they should protect at all costs?


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