dignity: “they’re gonna put you back in chains”. “you ain’t black” “racial jungles” women don’t have electricity ? I bet they have plenty batteries, like Hitlery Rotten Clinton does. today the Jews are now “those people” ? demon-rats have always been racist, but then, so was Abe Lincoln
“Who the hell does he think he is?” Biden If he had one working brain cell, Biden should be asking himself that while looking in the mirror, ‘President of The United States?’ Hey, Joltin’ demented, corrupt, Joe Biden, ‘you’ haven’t been the president since the ‘kickoff!’ As Ripley would say, “BELIEVE IT OR NOT.”
Gotta love Kerr. He is so delusional to believe he is competent at ANYTHING removed from bouncing a basketball, and would FAIL to qualify as competent enough for the job of “Toilet Overflow Watch!”
the entire left is insane.
All honest people know Harris is not presidential material. Biden was not presidential material and obama is a anti america creep.
The amazing part is how stupid leftists are.
Show me a democrat who loves this country and I will show you a cobra that won’t strike if you get to close.
dignity: “they’re gonna put you back in chains”. “you ain’t black” “racial jungles” women don’t have electricity ? I bet they have plenty batteries, like Hitlery Rotten Clinton does. today the Jews are now “those people” ? demon-rats have always been racist, but then, so was Abe Lincoln
One down, one to go!
“Who the hell does he think he is?” Biden If he had one working brain cell, Biden should be asking himself that while looking in the mirror, ‘President of The United States?’ Hey, Joltin’ demented, corrupt, Joe Biden, ‘you’ haven’t been the president since the ‘kickoff!’ As Ripley would say, “BELIEVE IT OR NOT.”
Gotta love Kerr. He is so delusional to believe he is competent at ANYTHING removed from bouncing a basketball, and would FAIL to qualify as competent enough for the job of “Toilet Overflow Watch!”