We the Sheeople have been the fools. Amerika has been socialist since the republic of We the People was destroyed by a tyrant, atheist & racist fool. His subjects (slaves) built him a “temple” in the Den of Corruption to “worship” him. In 1963 the empire was turned into an oligarchy “those with the gold (corps.) make the rules”. Now the place is full of cowards, scared of the sissies & perverts that run the seed farm (plantation) that they can only leave, by dying.
now those countries can hate the USA for free
The problem IS theirs and not ours. Grow up and act like adults.
We the Sheeople have been the fools. Amerika has been socialist since the republic of We the People was destroyed by a tyrant, atheist & racist fool. His subjects (slaves) built him a “temple” in the Den of Corruption to “worship” him. In 1963 the empire was turned into an oligarchy “those with the gold (corps.) make the rules”. Now the place is full of cowards, scared of the sissies & perverts that run the seed farm (plantation) that they can only leave, by dying.