Kamala Harris serves up another ‘word salad’: Faulkner



So when your wife asks you, how are we gonna pay the bills this month? Just tell her: I grew up as a middle-class kid and my neighbors love their lawn. Makes perfect sense right

Has Kammy ever answered a question or does she just throw salad dressing everywhere making a mess of everything??? Asking for a Democratic friend.


  1. word salad sally
    your lying out your fanni
    Nothing give you no shame
    your just to dam lame
    stupid people love you the same.
    But your policies are a drain.
    word salad sally
    your lying out your fanni

  2. I agree, and it can’t be repeated enough. When she talks about her growing up, she was brought up in a very wealthy part of Canada, ahe never worked at McDonald’s. Everything she is, was told us in her run in 2019 and 2020. Her parents are both marxists, that was the class she grew up in. She’s trying to hide that and what she has been doing to us the last three and a half years. All these word salads are a ruse and the media is going along with it. She is dangerous for our country and women and children. We need President Trump and J D Vance in November. We have to stop these obummer socialists before we don’t have a country, anymore.

    • Trish this is probably one of the most truthful comments I have read during this election cycle. Kamala is nothing and has nothing to run on. She literally has no policy of her own and yes, your right she wasn’t even raised in the US. Her parents are truly Marxist and Kamala and her sister have attended communist party meetings in California. She is no good for this country or it’s people. She had to plagiarize Joey’s policies on the day of the debate so she wouldn’t look open and unprepared. She is probably the least prepared candidate ever.


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