Kamala Harris PULLS DESPERATE Stunt With Black Woman After CNN Questions Her Pretending To Be Black!



How does calling someone auntie make them black?

I’ve been cooking collard greens for fifty years and I am a white man. Nobody ever said I qualify as black for cooking greens. Such shameful BS.


  1. Oh my gosh, I just love your take on everything, you’re so spot on. I thought the exact same thing about her washing her greens in the bath tub, absolutely disgusting, why isn’t anybody else worried about this confession from her? I love the video of the woman at the end saying, if you’re lying about small shit, what the hell else are you lying about? Just think about your life under President Trump compared to the last 3 1/2 years under Biden/Harris, exactly my point, you don’t have to like Trump, but your life should speak volumes under Trumps presidency. Oh and by the way I’m a 64 year old white woman, I don’t care what your skin color is, I judge what’s below your skin color, it’s called your character. God Bless you and stay strong on your channel, I for one will keep watching you.

  2. I ama black Christian conservative. My first election when I voted was Ronald Reagan at the age of 18. I’m that person that try to vote according to my Christian beliefs! That’s funny about the bath tub issue. I’m from Pennsylvania, my husband from Texas. We’ve never heard of seen anyone bathe greens in a tub! if your sink is too small in your kitchen, you may purchase plastic dish pans you can soak your greens in. Our country needs God! Trump 2016, 2024

  3. I love your ‘trans ethnicity’ possibility! This lying, corrupt, Marxist/Socialist, wannabe the next “Leader of The (not so) FREE World, cannot answer the ethnicity question, honestly, because she is the progeny of ‘Indian migrants!’ Wanna resolve the issue, Kamal, submit to a DNA test, no more questions will be coming!

    • Except that she may take the DNA test, but she won’t publicly release the results. This will be another thing she will lie about. The only policies she has mentioned are the ones she is stealing from Trump. I think she is no more black than I am. I have seen videos of her identifying as East Indian, not black when she first got elected to the Senate. The woman is so phony! Even her father has said that her ancestors in Jamaica were plantation OWNERS, you know, the ones who owned slaves.

  4. Harris needs to tell the American people that she is not Black ,Her Mother is Indian From India and her Father is from Jamaica and he is Irish and Indian (HIDU)not black according to Judge JOE BROWN who knows her father, Jamaica is not all black there are White , Asian and Indian people that also live in Jamaica ,and he, JUDGE JOE BROWN also said that She slept her way to the top and a couple of those were black but didn’t make Her black ………..

  5. OK, Lets get this straight. The only thing black about kamala harris was the black “willie” that Willie Brown slid up in her over and over, night after night while she was with him..Yep, he sure plowed her mustard patch for a long time too.


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