Judge Pronounced Trump Guilty Before Trial Began!



That judge just gave Trump a nice piece of evidence for his defense.

Whats funny is the more they try to get rid of him the stronger hes getting ❤love president trump


  1. Every Dem in the U/S/, including all of the Fed Agencies that are tied in with the Dems should all face charges of Treason and at a minimum get life in prison without a chance of parole. This includes all Judges and AG’s in all states that have broke the laws outlined in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights!

    • Absolutely. In my many years voting, I have NEVER witnessed an administration as evil as this democrat party. Every one of the devils should be in prison.

  2. God help these people when Trump becomes president, everybody but the democrats know this is all about Trump, but he’s going to beat them all!

    • No Dave,
      They don’t deserve President Trump to forgive them! Would you forgive lying despots that are following orders from those that did everything they could to say you were a Russian Agent, supported by quisling Comey, and paid for by Hillary, and an organization of treasonists getting paid by our enemies, and a Pravda News Media backing them? And a couple other high ups that got paid at the U of Penn running a Chinese Document Laundry that was tipped off to get rid of any documents as the place could be searched, and the same thing with the houses. But President Trump get’s raided, even though he fall’s under the “Presidential Records Act”. But this compromised guy wasn’t even covered under that act, and docs are sitting in the garage behind the Corvette! Poorest Senator in office. As Maury Povich would say, “And that was a lie”. (Illegals invading the country, and Mayjerkass say’s “The border is secure”. Dereliction of Duty.

  3. and joe and the biden gang of thieves DIDN’T do
    financial fraud all these years as senator VP and pres

    and all the illegals need to break in and rob ALL the people in the government and leave the working people alone
    for they need to rob from the rich or the Robin Hood theory

  4. What ever became of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY? I had pretty much the same thing done many years ago when accused of making excess smoke when driving a truck. It was a mechanical failure but I, or the company I worked for didn’t have any chance to defend ouselves.

  5. This judge should’ve been one of the Nazi judges when the conspirators to kill Hitler were tried before being executed by being hung with piano wire. This bitch would be perfect.

  6. Shame to hate for a man who did so much good for our country just because he is a republican.the democrats want money & power. They don’t care about U.S. Americans or our country. 🥵

  7. I will put this as plainly as I can over 12 years ago I was found guilty of rape and gross sexual imposition. I was a pastor of a church for 19 years housing the homeless ministering to the drug addict and alcoholic, feeding the community and the north Jackson Township tried closing us down for all those years, it started out with a man called James C Evans, who was the head trustee at the time who tried closing his down and swore up and down someday he would close victory harvest ministries down in 2011 I went through a CPO order because I had been accused of one of our residence Which was absolutely false, and there was absolutely no evidence of any kind however, the CPO order was placed upon me, and we immediately appealed it this woman even testified at the CPO order that nothing ever happened between her and her pastor however, this court now belong to Judge James C Evans. His magistrate presided over the hearing at the end of the hearing he said he had to go talk to his boss, Judge James C Evans, to see how he would rule as I said, they put a CPO order on me, and it was appealed approximately a year or so later the appeal come back overturn and said it was the worst miscarriage of justice they had ever seen, then I was charged before that with rape and gross sexual imposition on this woman and went to trial in January 2013. Once again there was no evidence of any kind because it never happened. This woman’s psychiatrist said that she could be manipulated to do or say anything , but it did not matter to the judge who was judge, James C Evans, I have been talked into letting him hear the case. I did not know anything about the law at the time, and I did not think that my attorney was in cahoots with a Mahoning county judicial system , naturally he found me guilty and gave me 10 years in prison for something I did not do I was told by Jill house attorneys that I should’ve never went to jail in the first place and Judge James C Evans should’ve never ever heard the case because of his biased There were other contacts between the judge and victory harvest ministries years before that the judge died a year and a half later he had had cancer even at the time of my trial. His obituary stated that he had been inducted into the Democratic Hall of Fame. I never even knew they had one. I am still trying to fight this case today , trying to figure out how to get back into court and expose all of this, but I have yet to find an attorney or a law firm that is willing to stand up for justice. It just amazes me what our judicial system has become as in one of the post I have just read , innocent until proven guilty is an absolute farce in America today I thought the judges were supposed to be non-political, and only judged on the merits of the law. That is a sad joke. Today they have forgotten the principles of the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights and we the people Have allowed this. We have one more opportunity to put patriotic God-fearing people back into office and running these communist Marxist people out once and for all if it’s not done this election, this country is doomed I have a whole lot more to say about our prison system judicial system in our money making government which is totally unconstitutional People seem to be afraid to speak. I am now 70 years old. They have stolen my reputation, my church, my congregation, my life, but I refuse to bow down to them. I am an American, and I am proud of what my country stood for now I shutter to see What it has become and it’s all our fault may God have mercy on us for turning our backs on the one who made this country great and blessed it. I believe that he is about to take his hand off of this country unless we wake up and repent.


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