Jordan Peterson Leaves Woke YouTuber SPEECHLESS!!!



It takes the height of arrogance to think you can easily out debate Jordan Peterson. When you’re just a You Tube guy.

When will the cult of woke finally cease?


  1. This WOKE “ crapola” is nothing but a bunch of leftist liberal Democratic Party pre pro Globalist Communist Party propaganda!
    I suggest that the author and the few believers that continue to promote and push this anti-American, anti- Christian, anti- moral junk science should read Michael Savages book that he wrote in 2008 titled: “Liberalism
    Is a mental disorder”!

  2. Peterson is right about the “climate crisis”. Why do comparisons of temperature all start in 1975 when we’ve satellite records going back to the late 1960’s? I mean, it’s been warm in the past, before that. But, see, 1975 was a cold year at the end of a 40 year cooling cycle (the source of the “Coming Ice Age” scare). Therefore, even a return to “normal” would look like “global warming”. Oh, stop, you say… look at all the forest fires – isn’t that proof of global warming? Uh, no. Firstly, more acres burned in 1937 and in 1939 than in all the years since, combined. But you can’t see those numbers now. Know why? Because the Forest Svc and USDA have decided to bury all records prior to 1983 because they are… “unreliable”. Why? Because the USDA and FS said so. Of course, it could also be because 1982 is when our incidence of forest fires began to increase (acreage burned during the 1950’s and 60’s were miniscule, because of forestry practices inaugurated in and because of WWII). Why did they start to increase in 1982 (and have been increasing since)? Think “Spotted Owl”. It was then that the enviros decided that managing our forests were wrong – we needed natural, old growth forests with lots of fallen trees and rotting wood on the forest floor, you know, as habitat for endangered species. And what happened when we followed that model? Well, more fuel, more fires. And as governments learned to skimp on forest management (diverting money to more politically useful purposes, all in the name of environmentalism), we began having more fires and bigger fires (tho’ still nothing as bad as the late 30’s, let alone the Peshtigo fire in 1871). We’re still no where near the 1937 or 39 numbers, but you won’t see that because those records are no longer available. You only get to see the steady growth of acreage burned over the last 40 or so years, which allows the enviros to claim that it’s all global warming. What about the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods? Simple, enviros ignore the first one and deny the second (or claim it was highly localized). Well, in 2013 a whole series of studies, all around the world, using many and many different temperature proxies confirmed that there was a MWP, that it was worldwide, and that it was probably at least 4 degrees centrigade warmer than now – and without a single SUV to blame. Talk about “settled science”. However, the climate crisis supporters have dealt with that by – simply ignoring it. If you don’t admit it or talk about it, it didn’t happen. I could go on for pages, but Peterson is right. The “climate crisis” is a smokescreen disguising the same old socialist, government control which has warred with personal freedom for millenia. We must enslave ourselves to save ourselves. It’s bogus and it’s being used for evil.

  3. I would also be concerned in Canada where the Prime Minister has investment in the Pharmaceutical Company creating the vaccination and then forcing that vaccination on the public as well as knowing the virus was created and manually released along with the vaccination availability. I would get rid of the Prime Minister and make him face trial.

  4. This guy is sooooo right on.. Here in Denver, the airport measured temperatures and was within a few miles of downtown, like maybe 10miles, then we built DIA way out on the plains and the equipment to measure snow fall, temp and other climate related issues went with it.!!!??? DUH…. IT is at least 35+ on the plains, not anywhere near the foot hills, miles east of the old reading site and now the “records” or so-called records are compared to an entirely different toparchical area but are still proclaimed as legit and records! ITs all bullsht based on mankind’s bias. Thank you, governor, tail gunner for your wisdom.


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