Another catacomb-dweller, who won’t die. This screeching mouthpiece needs to get gone. Owns how many homes? Has how much money??? Silence who????? The hypocrite corpse has lost his mushy mind or is trying to cover his baggy balls. He is one of the core reasons for the Rot from Within our government. Yes, he is a gutter dweller. And Biden, Warren, and Pelosi and Garland. The entire RAT’S nest need to be exterminated. Gas them all.
Another catacomb-dweller, who won’t die. This screeching mouthpiece needs to get gone. Owns how many homes? Has how much money??? Silence who????? The hypocrite corpse has lost his mushy mind or is trying to cover his baggy balls. He is one of the core reasons for the Rot from Within our government. Yes, he is a gutter dweller. And Biden, Warren, and Pelosi and Garland. The entire RAT’S nest need to be exterminated. Gas them all.