Remember his roots – what do you expect from Pelosi’s nephew??? Full of baloney
Gavin Grusom is California’s worst governor ever.
Remember his roots – what do you expect from Pelosi’s nephew??? Full of baloney
Gavin Grusom is California’s worst governor ever.
Newsum is to Dumb like all LIBRATURDS
Does that jackass really think that ANYBODY believes anything he does is not self-serving? I’m a native Californian but moved away because of the cost of living in 1994. Since 1994, the economy has gotten way worse because of Democrat policies, not to mention the crime and political corruption. It’s a HUGE issue now because of Newsom since 2019. Newsom learned well from his corrupt Auntie Nancy Pelosi and other self-serving CA Democrat politicians and Hollywood. The wealthy in CA is why these scourges of society still exist. They leech off of the humble taxpayers. The citizens of CA have a choice at the ballots – don’t believe the greedy “representatives”.
I beg to differ. CA citizens do NOT have a choice at the ballot box. Voter fraud is severely entrenched in CA. Everyone I talked to was voting for Garvey. But guess who won.
Newscum is a scumbucket.
California is dealing with a $58 Billion dollar debt. California isn’t even close to break even spending, and Gavin seeks millions more to hand to the Illegals. California went from 20% Hispanics to 80% Hispanics. California/Federal are paying for free housing, free food, free vehicles, free medical, free dental, free education, free devices, free toys, unlimited cash, all for the Hispanic Illegals. There’s not a parking space to be found any more. We never hear English spoken. Gavin is owned by China. He moved his family to Marin County because Sacramento is so dangerous.