It’s officially GAME OVER for Nikki Haley.



I definitely don’t want a neocon as president. We’ve seen how bad Bush and Cheney is and the last thing we need is a female version of them.

I’m so baffled by WHY Nikki would ever be in contention? She would never be accepted by MAGA!


  1. Nikki Haley was on the Boeing board of directors. It is one of the most corrupt entities on earth.

    She got to be on the boeing board by selling out south Carolina for boeing factory

    It is good she never becomes president.

  2. Ambassador Nikki Haley needs to cut to the chase and announce that she will choose Governor Chris Christie as her running mate if nominated.

  3. She is a fake and bought out candidate…she needs to drop out. We do not need a RINO to try and tip the scales. She is using $$$ from the other side for her campaign. Dishonest and liar.

  4. That is the battle us Trump Republicans are in the rhinos that are Democrats in disguise selling us out for the highest communist bidder and America last and Democrats who wants perverts and child molesters to run the world who sells out to communist China and blames Russia And Trump for all thiet failures

  5. That is the battle us Trump Republicans are in the rhinos that are Democrats in disguise selling us out for the highest communist bidder and America last and Democrats who wants perverts and child molesters to run the world who sells out to communist China and blames Russia And Trump for all thier failures

  6. Nikki would’ve had a chance to be at least Trump’s VP, but she threw it all away when she stabbed Trump in the back over the dummycrat orchestrated Jan. 6 protest. Any republican that stabbed Trump in the back over that incident, or any other time for that matter, became an instant RINO and we republicans are fed up with having RINO candidates who sell us out within days after they get elected. One thing about the dummycrats, their voting base is made up of Marxist idiot screwballs and the politicians they elect compromise on very little once in office. RINOs will bend over backward to “compromise” (sell out the voters) with the dummycrats. Enough IS enough.

  7. Haley would never and could never serve as President. She isn’t a strong person and couldn’t handle the office. She is a fool and an idiot. She and Christie are a pair of idiots. I am so upset with both of them thinking that any Republican that cares about our Country would think of either one of them for this very difficult office. They simply couldn’t handle it. I, personally, haven’t seen a female that could handle the office at all, especially Haley or Clinton. One couldn’t finish her term and the other would be another BBC Biden and would think she was Queen or dictator over the United States. We need strong leadership, which is President Trump, without the stinking dramatics from the Rino Republicans and stupid Democrats. Drain the swamp and stop the never/ending illegal crap against OUR President. What the hell has happened to our country? Think about it, the BBC Dems want Socialism and we the people don’t. We want our country back as it was. Any changes come from the people, for the people and by the people. We send our representatives to Washington to represent us, not to become a puppet or to represent what they, themselves want to happen, at the expense of the taxpayers. Please stop the influx of illegals and close our border. Our country is going bankrupt. We owe the illegals nothing, but we do owe our Veterans and our US Citizens. Stop this nonsense. Haley and Christie are out.

  8. Let no one forget, the cheaters count the votes, they could disappear Trump votes and give them to Nikki just as easily as they did for Joe…. keep an eye out for the cheat, that the courts keep greenlighting!


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